This reverts commit 670b4e29adc16e0a29aa5b4c126703dcca56aeb6. The change added in this commit was controversial when it was originally suggested in https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/29205. Then that PR was closed and a new one opened, https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/29503, effectively circumventing the review process. I don't agree with this modification. Adding an option 'resolveLocalQueries' to tell the locally running name server that it should resolve local DNS queries feels outright nuts. I agree that the current state is unsatisfactory and that it should be improved, but this is not the right way. (cherry picked from commit 23a021d12e8f939cd0bfddb1c7adeb125028c1e3)
470 lines
19 KiB
470 lines
19 KiB
{ config, lib, pkgs, utils, ... }:
with utils;
with lib;
cfg = config.networking;
interfaces = attrValues cfg.interfaces;
hasVirtuals = any (i: i.virtual) interfaces;
# We must escape interfaces due to the systemd interpretation
subsystemDevice = interface:
"sys-subsystem-net-devices-${escapeSystemdPath interface}.device";
interfaceIps = i:
i.ip4 ++ optionals cfg.enableIPv6 i.ip6
++ optional (i.ipAddress != null) {
address = i.ipAddress;
prefixLength = i.prefixLength;
} ++ optional (cfg.enableIPv6 && i.ipv6Address != null) {
address = i.ipv6Address;
prefixLength = i.ipv6PrefixLength;
destroyBond = i: ''
while true; do
SLAVES=$(ip link | grep 'master ${i}' | awk -F: '{print $2}')
for I in $SLAVES; do
ip link set "$I" nomaster
[ "$UPDATED" -eq "1" ] && break
ip link set "${i}" down 2>/dev/null || true
ip link del "${i}" 2>/dev/null || true
# warn that these attributes are deprecated (2017-2-2)
# Should be removed in the release after next
bondDeprecation = rec {
deprecated = [ "lacp_rate" "miimon" "mode" "xmit_hash_policy" ];
filterDeprecated = bond: (filterAttrs (attrName: attr:
elem attrName deprecated && attr != null) bond);
bondWarnings =
let oneBondWarnings = bondName: bond:
mapAttrsToList (bondText bondName) (bondDeprecation.filterDeprecated bond);
bondText = bondName: optName: _:
"${bondName}.${optName} is deprecated, use ${bondName}.driverOptions";
in {
warnings = flatten (mapAttrsToList oneBondWarnings cfg.bonds);
normalConfig = {
systemd.services =
deviceDependency = dev:
# Use systemd service if we manage device creation, else
# trust udev when not in a container
if (hasAttr dev (filterAttrs (k: v: v.virtual) cfg.interfaces)) ||
(hasAttr dev cfg.bridges) ||
(hasAttr dev cfg.bonds) ||
(hasAttr dev cfg.macvlans) ||
(hasAttr dev cfg.sits) ||
(hasAttr dev cfg.vlans) ||
(hasAttr dev cfg.vswitches) ||
(hasAttr dev cfg.wlanInterfaces)
then [ "${dev}-netdev.service" ]
else optional (dev != null && dev != "lo" && !config.boot.isContainer) (subsystemDevice dev);
hasDefaultGatewaySet = (cfg.defaultGateway != null && cfg.defaultGateway.address != "")
|| (cfg.defaultGateway6 != null && cfg.defaultGateway6.address != "");
networkLocalCommands = {
after = [ "network-setup.service" ];
bindsTo = [ "network-setup.service" ];
networkSetup =
{ description = "Networking Setup";
after = [ "network-pre.target" "systemd-udevd.service" "systemd-sysctl.service" ];
before = [ "network.target" "shutdown.target" ];
wants = [ "network.target" ];
conflicts = [ "shutdown.target" ];
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ] ++ optional hasDefaultGatewaySet "network-online.target";
unitConfig.ConditionCapability = "CAP_NET_ADMIN";
path = [ pkgs.iproute ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
unitConfig.DefaultDependencies = false;
script =
# Set the static DNS configuration, if given.
${pkgs.openresolv}/sbin/resolvconf -m 1 -a static <<EOF
${optionalString (cfg.nameservers != [] && cfg.domain != null) ''
domain ${cfg.domain}
${optionalString (cfg.search != []) ("search " + concatStringsSep " " cfg.search)}
${flip concatMapStrings cfg.nameservers (ns: ''
nameserver ${ns}
# Set the default gateway.
${optionalString (cfg.defaultGateway != null && cfg.defaultGateway.address != "") ''
# FIXME: get rid of "|| true" (necessary to make it idempotent).
ip route add default ${optionalString (cfg.defaultGateway.metric != null)
"metric ${toString cfg.defaultGateway.metric}"
} via "${cfg.defaultGateway.address}" ${
optionalString (cfg.defaultGatewayWindowSize != null)
"window ${toString cfg.defaultGatewayWindowSize}"} ${
optionalString (cfg.defaultGateway.interface != null)
"dev ${cfg.defaultGateway.interface}"} proto static || true
${optionalString (cfg.defaultGateway6 != null && cfg.defaultGateway6.address != "") ''
# FIXME: get rid of "|| true" (necessary to make it idempotent).
ip -6 route add ::/0 ${optionalString (cfg.defaultGateway6.metric != null)
"metric ${toString cfg.defaultGateway6.metric}"
} via "${cfg.defaultGateway6.address}" ${
optionalString (cfg.defaultGatewayWindowSize != null)
"window ${toString cfg.defaultGatewayWindowSize}"} ${
optionalString (cfg.defaultGateway6.interface != null)
"dev ${cfg.defaultGateway6.interface}"} proto static || true
# For each interface <foo>, create a job ‘network-addresses-<foo>.service"
# that performs static address configuration. It has a "wants"
# dependency on ‘<foo>.service’, which is supposed to create
# the interface and need not exist (i.e. for hardware
# interfaces). It has a binds-to dependency on the actual
# network device, so it only gets started after the interface
# has appeared, and it's stopped when the interface
# disappears.
configureAddrs = i:
ips = interfaceIps i;
nameValuePair "network-addresses-${i.name}"
{ description = "Address configuration of ${i.name}";
wantedBy = [ "network-setup.service" ];
# propagate stop and reload from network-setup
partOf = [ "network-setup.service" ];
# order before network-setup because the routes that are configured
# there may need ip addresses configured
before = [ "network-setup.service" ];
bindsTo = deviceDependency i.name;
after = [ "network-pre.target" ] ++ (deviceDependency i.name);
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
# Restart rather than stop+start this unit to prevent the
# network from dying during switch-to-configuration.
stopIfChanged = false;
path = [ pkgs.iproute ];
script =
# FIXME: shouldn't this be done in network-link?
echo "bringing up interface..."
ip link set "${i.name}" up
mkdir -p $(dirname "$state")
'' + flip concatMapStrings (ips) (ip:
address = "${ip.address}/${toString ip.prefixLength}";
echo "${address}" >> $state
if out=$(ip addr add "${address}" dev "${i.name}" 2>&1); then
echo "added ip ${address}"
elif ! echo "$out" | grep "File exists" >/dev/null 2>&1; then
echo "failed to add ${address}"
exit 1
preStop = ''
while read address; do
echo -n "deleting $address..."
ip addr del "$address" dev "${i.name}" >/dev/null 2>&1 || echo -n " Failed"
echo ""
done < "$state"
rm -f "$state"
createTunDevice = i: nameValuePair "${i.name}-netdev"
{ description = "Virtual Network Interface ${i.name}";
bindsTo = [ "dev-net-tun.device" ];
after = [ "dev-net-tun.device" "network-pre.target" ];
wantedBy = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice i.name) ];
partOf = [ "network-setup.service" ];
before = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice i.name) ];
path = [ pkgs.iproute ];
serviceConfig = {
Type = "oneshot";
RemainAfterExit = true;
script = ''
ip tuntap add dev "${i.name}" \
${optionalString (i.virtualType != null) "mode ${i.virtualType}"} \
user "${i.virtualOwner}"
postStop = ''
ip link del ${i.name} || true
createBridgeDevice = n: v: nameValuePair "${n}-netdev"
deps = concatLists (map deviceDependency v.interfaces);
{ description = "Bridge Interface ${n}";
wantedBy = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
bindsTo = deps ++ optional v.rstp "mstpd.service";
partOf = [ "network-setup.service" ] ++ optional v.rstp "mstpd.service";
after = [ "network-pre.target" ] ++ deps ++ optional v.rstp "mstpd.service"
++ concatMap (i: [ "network-addresses-${i}.service" "network-link-${i}.service" ]) v.interfaces;
before = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
path = [ pkgs.iproute ];
script = ''
# Remove Dead Interfaces
echo "Removing old bridge ${n}..."
ip link show "${n}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && ip link del "${n}"
echo "Adding bridge ${n}..."
ip link add name "${n}" type bridge
# Enslave child interfaces
${flip concatMapStrings v.interfaces (i: ''
ip link set "${i}" master "${n}"
ip link set "${i}" up
# Save list of enslaved interfaces
echo "${flip concatMapStrings v.interfaces (i: ''
'')}" > /run/${n}.interfaces
# Enable stp on the interface
${optionalString v.rstp ''
echo 2 >/sys/class/net/${n}/bridge/stp_state
ip link set "${n}" up
postStop = ''
ip link set "${n}" down || true
ip link del "${n}" || true
rm -f /run/${n}.interfaces
reload = ''
# Un-enslave child interfaces (old list of interfaces)
for interface in `cat /run/${n}.interfaces`; do
ip link set "$interface" nomaster up
# Enslave child interfaces (new list of interfaces)
${flip concatMapStrings v.interfaces (i: ''
ip link set "${i}" master "${n}"
ip link set "${i}" up
# Save list of enslaved interfaces
echo "${flip concatMapStrings v.interfaces (i: ''
'')}" > /run/${n}.interfaces
# (Un-)set stp on the bridge
echo ${if v.rstp then "2" else "0"} > /sys/class/net/${n}/bridge/stp_state
reloadIfChanged = true;
createVswitchDevice = n: v: nameValuePair "${n}-netdev"
deps = concatLists (map deviceDependency v.interfaces);
ofRules = pkgs.writeText "vswitch-${n}-openFlowRules" v.openFlowRules;
{ description = "Open vSwitch Interface ${n}";
wantedBy = [ "network-setup.service" "vswitchd.service" ] ++ deps;
bindsTo = [ "vswitchd.service" (subsystemDevice n) ] ++ deps;
partOf = [ "network-setup.service" "vswitchd.service" ];
after = [ "network-pre.target" "vswitchd.service" ] ++ deps;
before = [ "network-setup.service" ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
path = [ pkgs.iproute config.virtualisation.vswitch.package ];
script = ''
echo "Removing old Open vSwitch ${n}..."
ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br ${n}
echo "Adding Open vSwitch ${n}..."
ovs-vsctl -- add-br ${n} ${concatMapStrings (i: " -- add-port ${n} ${i}") v.interfaces} \
${concatMapStrings (x: " -- set-controller ${n} " + x) v.controllers} \
${concatMapStrings (x: " -- " + x) (splitString "\n" v.extraOvsctlCmds)}
echo "Adding OpenFlow rules for Open vSwitch ${n}..."
ovs-ofctl add-flows ${n} ${ofRules}
postStop = ''
ip link set ${n} down || true
ovs-ofctl del-flows ${n} || true
ovs-vsctl --if-exists del-br ${n}
createBondDevice = n: v: nameValuePair "${n}-netdev"
deps = concatLists (map deviceDependency v.interfaces);
{ description = "Bond Interface ${n}";
wantedBy = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
bindsTo = deps;
partOf = [ "network-setup.service" ];
after = [ "network-pre.target" ] ++ deps
++ concatMap (i: [ "network-addresses-${i}.service" "network-link-${i}.service" ]) v.interfaces;
before = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
path = [ pkgs.iproute pkgs.gawk ];
script = ''
echo "Destroying old bond ${n}..."
${destroyBond n}
echo "Creating new bond ${n}..."
ip link add name "${n}" type bond \
${let opts = (mapAttrs (const toString)
(bondDeprecation.filterDeprecated v))
// v.driverOptions;
in concatStringsSep "\n"
(mapAttrsToList (set: val: " ${set} ${val} \\") opts)}
# !!! There must be a better way to wait for the interface
while [ ! -d "/sys/class/net/${n}" ]; do sleep 0.1; done;
# Bring up the bond and enslave the specified interfaces
ip link set "${n}" up
${flip concatMapStrings v.interfaces (i: ''
ip link set "${i}" down
ip link set "${i}" master "${n}"
postStop = destroyBond n;
createMacvlanDevice = n: v: nameValuePair "${n}-netdev"
deps = deviceDependency v.interface;
{ description = "Vlan Interface ${n}";
wantedBy = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
bindsTo = deps;
partOf = [ "network-setup.service" ];
after = [ "network-pre.target" ] ++ deps;
before = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
path = [ pkgs.iproute ];
script = ''
# Remove Dead Interfaces
ip link show "${n}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && ip link delete "${n}"
ip link add link "${v.interface}" name "${n}" type macvlan \
${optionalString (v.mode != null) "mode ${v.mode}"}
ip link set "${n}" up
postStop = ''
ip link delete "${n}" || true
createSitDevice = n: v: nameValuePair "${n}-netdev"
deps = deviceDependency v.dev;
{ description = "6-to-4 Tunnel Interface ${n}";
wantedBy = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
bindsTo = deps;
partOf = [ "network-setup.service" ];
after = [ "network-pre.target" ] ++ deps;
before = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
path = [ pkgs.iproute ];
script = ''
# Remove Dead Interfaces
ip link show "${n}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && ip link delete "${n}"
ip link add name "${n}" type sit \
${optionalString (v.remote != null) "remote \"${v.remote}\""} \
${optionalString (v.local != null) "local \"${v.local}\""} \
${optionalString (v.ttl != null) "ttl ${toString v.ttl}"} \
${optionalString (v.dev != null) "dev \"${v.dev}\""}
ip link set "${n}" up
postStop = ''
ip link delete "${n}" || true
createVlanDevice = n: v: nameValuePair "${n}-netdev"
deps = deviceDependency v.interface;
{ description = "Vlan Interface ${n}";
wantedBy = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
bindsTo = deps;
partOf = [ "network-setup.service" ];
after = [ "network-pre.target" ] ++ deps;
before = [ "network-setup.service" (subsystemDevice n) ];
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
serviceConfig.RemainAfterExit = true;
path = [ pkgs.iproute ];
script = ''
# Remove Dead Interfaces
ip link show "${n}" >/dev/null 2>&1 && ip link delete "${n}"
ip link add link "${v.interface}" name "${n}" type vlan id "${toString v.id}"
ip link set "${n}" up
postStop = ''
ip link delete "${n}" || true
in listToAttrs (
map configureAddrs interfaces ++
map createTunDevice (filter (i: i.virtual) interfaces))
// mapAttrs' createBridgeDevice cfg.bridges
// mapAttrs' createVswitchDevice cfg.vswitches
// mapAttrs' createBondDevice cfg.bonds
// mapAttrs' createMacvlanDevice cfg.macvlans
// mapAttrs' createSitDevice cfg.sits
// mapAttrs' createVlanDevice cfg.vlans
// {
"network-setup" = networkSetup;
"network-local-commands" = networkLocalCommands;
services.udev.extraRules =
KERNEL=="tun", TAG+="systemd"
config = mkMerge [
(mkIf (!cfg.useNetworkd) normalConfig)