Jörg Thalheim eac6797380
prefer-fetch-remote: an overlay to fetch on remote builders
This is useful when running tools like NixOps or nix-review
on workstations where the upload to the builder is significantly
slower then downloading the source on the builder itself.
2019-01-18 14:41:10 +00:00

46 lines
1.4 KiB

{stdenvNoCC, subversion, glibcLocales, sshSupport ? false, openssh ? null}:
{url, rev ? "HEAD", md5 ? "", sha256 ? ""
, ignoreExternals ? false, ignoreKeywords ? false, name ? null
, preferLocalBuild ? true }:
repoName = with stdenvNoCC.lib;
fst = head;
snd = l: head (tail l);
trd = l: head (tail (tail l));
path_ =
(p: if head p == "" then tail p else p) # ~ drop final slash if any
(reverseList (splitString "/" url));
path = [ (removeSuffix "/" (head path_)) ] ++ (tail path_);
# ../repo/trunk -> repo
if fst path == "trunk" then snd path
# ../repo/branches/branch -> repo-branch
else if snd path == "branches" then "${trd path}-${fst path}"
# ../repo/tags/tag -> repo-tag
else if snd path == "tags" then "${trd path}-${fst path}"
# ../repo (no trunk) -> repo
else fst path;
name_ = if name == null then "${repoName}-r${toString rev}" else name;
if md5 != "" then
throw "fetchsvn does not support md5 anymore, please use sha256"
stdenvNoCC.mkDerivation {
name = name_;
builder = ./;
nativeBuildInputs = [ subversion glibcLocales ];
outputHashAlgo = "sha256";
outputHashMode = "recursive";
outputHash = sha256;
inherit url rev sshSupport openssh ignoreExternals ignoreKeywords;
impureEnvVars = stdenvNoCC.lib.fetchers.proxyImpureEnvVars;
inherit preferLocalBuild;