This allows us to build the package without the need for patching. The test suite still doesn't compile unfortunately. Closes https://github.com/NixOS/nixpkgs/pull/75594.
148 lines
5.5 KiB
148 lines
5.5 KiB
{ pkgs, haskellLib }:
with haskellLib;
self: super: {
# This compiler version needs llvm 7.x.
llvmPackages = pkgs.llvmPackages_7;
# Disable GHC 8.8.x core libraries.
array = null;
base = null;
binary = null;
bytestring = null;
Cabal = null;
containers = null;
deepseq = null;
directory = null;
filepath = null;
ghc-boot = null;
ghc-boot-th = null;
ghc-compact = null;
ghc-heap = null;
ghc-prim = null;
ghci = null;
haskeline = null;
hpc = null;
integer-gmp = null;
libiserv = null;
mtl = null;
parsec = null;
pretty = null;
process = null;
rts = null;
stm = null;
template-haskell = null;
terminfo = null;
text = null;
time = null;
transformers = null;
unix = null;
xhtml = null;
# Ignore overly restrictive upper version bounds.
aeson-diff = doJailbreak super.aeson-diff;
async = doJailbreak super.async;
cabal-install = doJailbreak super.cabal-install;
ChasingBottoms = doJailbreak super.ChasingBottoms;
chell = doJailbreak super.chell;
cryptohash-sha256 = doJailbreak super.cryptohash-sha256;
Diff = dontCheck super.Diff;
doctest = doJailbreak super.doctest;
hashable = doJailbreak super.hashable;
hashable-time = doJailbreak super.hashable-time;
hledger-lib = doJailbreak super.hledger-lib; # base >=4.8 && <4.13, easytest >=0.2.1 && <0.3
integer-logarithms = doJailbreak super.integer-logarithms;
lucid = doJailbreak super.lucid;
parallel = doJailbreak super.parallel;
quickcheck-instances = doJailbreak super.quickcheck-instances;
setlocale = doJailbreak super.setlocale;
split = doJailbreak super.split;
system-fileio = doJailbreak super.system-fileio;
tasty-expected-failure = doJailbreak super.tasty-expected-failure;
tasty-hedgehog = doJailbreak super.tasty-hedgehog;
test-framework = doJailbreak super.test-framework;
th-expand-syns = doJailbreak super.th-expand-syns;
# TODO: remove when upstream accepts https://github.com/snapframework/io-streams-haproxy/pull/17
io-streams-haproxy = doJailbreak super.io-streams-haproxy; # base >=4.5 && <4.13
snap-server = doJailbreak super.snap-server;
xmobar = doJailbreak super.xmobar;
# use latest version to fix the build
brick = self.brick_0_50_1;
dbus = self.dbus_1_2_11;
doctemplates = self.doctemplates_0_8;
exact-pi = doJailbreak super.exact-pi;
generics-sop = self.generics-sop_0_5_0_0;
hackage-db = self.hackage-db_2_1_0;
haddock-library = self.haddock-library_1_8_0;
haskell-src-meta = self.haskell-src-meta_0_8_5;
haskell-src-meta_0_8_5 = dontCheck super.haskell-src-meta_0_8_5;
HaTeX = self.HaTeX_3_22_0_0;
HsYAML = self.HsYAML_0_2_1_0;
json-autotype = doJailbreak super.json-autotype;
lens = self.lens_4_18_1;
memory = self.memory_0_15_0;
microlens = self.microlens_0_4_11_2;
microlens-ghc = self.microlens-ghc_0_4_11_1;
microlens-mtl = self.microlens-mtl_0_2_0_1;
microlens-platform = self.microlens-platform_0_4_0;
microlens-th = self.microlens-th_0_4_3_2;
network = self.network_3_1_1_1;
optparse-applicative = self.optparse-applicative_0_15_1_0;
pandoc = self.pandoc_2_9;
pandoc-types = self.pandoc-types_1_20;
prettyprinter = self.prettyprinter_1_5_1;
primitive = dontCheck super.primitive_0_7_0_0; # evaluating the test suite gives an infinite recursion
regex-base = self.regex-base_0_94_0_0;
regex-compat = self.regex-compat_0_95_2_0;
regex-pcre-builtin = self.regex-pcre-builtin_0_95_1_1_8_43;
regex-posix = self.regex-posix_0_96_0_0;
regex-tdfa = self.regex-tdfa_1_3_1_0;
shelly = self.shelly_1_9_0;
singletons = self.singletons_2_6;
skylighting = self.skylighting_0_8_3;
skylighting-core = self.skylighting-core_0_8_3;
sop-core = self.sop-core_0_5_0_0;
texmath = self.texmath_0_12;
th-desugar = self.th-desugar_1_10;
tls = self.tls_1_5_2;
trifecta = self.trifecta_2_1;
vty = self.vty_5_26;
xml-conduit = overrideCabal super.xml-conduit (drv: { version = ""; sha256 = "1p57v127882rxvvmwjmvnqdmk3x2wg1z4d8y03849h0xaz1vid0w"; });
xmonad-contrib = self.xmonad-contrib_0_16;
# These packages don't work and need patching and/or an update.
hackage-security = appendPatch (doJailbreak super.hackage-security) (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hvr/head.hackage/master/patches/hackage-security-";
sha256 = "0l8x0pbsn18fj5ak5q0g5rva4xw1s9yc4d86a1pfyaz467b9i5a4";
polyparse = appendPatch (doJailbreak super.polyparse) (pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/hvr/head.hackage/master/patches/polyparse-1.12.1.patch";
sha256 = "01b2gnsq0x4fd9na8zpk6pajym55mbz64hgzawlwxdw0y6681kr5";
foundation = dontCheck super.foundation;
vault = dontHaddock super.vault;
# https://github.com/snapframework/snap-core/issues/288
snap-core = overrideCabal super.snap-core (drv: { prePatch = "substituteInPlace src/Snap/Internal/Core.hs --replace 'fail = Fail.fail' ''"; });
# needs a release
json = overrideCabal super.json (drv: { prePatch = "substituteInPlace json.cabal --replace '4.13' '4.14'"; patches = [(
pkgs.fetchpatch {
url = "https://github.com/GaloisInc/json/commit/9d36ca5d865be7e4b2126b68a444b901941d2492.patch";
sha256 = "0vyi5nbivkqg6zngq7rb3wwcj9043m4hmyk155nrcddl8j2smfzv";
)]; });
# Upstream ships a broken Setup.hs file.
csv = overrideCabal super.csv (drv: { prePatch = "rm Setup.hs"; });
# mark broken packages
bencode = markBrokenVersion "" super.bencode;
easytest = markBroken super.easytest;
easytest_0_3 = markBroken super.easytest_0_3;
haskell-src = markBrokenVersion "" super.haskell-src;