Our tooling would trip without the inner <para>, despite the docbook docs suggesting that <para> occurs in <blockquote> and vice versa.
244 lines
9.4 KiB
244 lines
9.4 KiB
import collections
import json
import sys
from typing import Any, Dict, List
JSON = Dict[str, Any]
class Key:
def __init__(self, path: List[str]):
self.path = path
def __hash__(self):
result = 0
for id in self.path:
result ^= hash(id)
return result
def __eq__(self, other):
return type(self) is type(other) and self.path == other.path
Option = collections.namedtuple('Option', ['name', 'value'])
# pivot a dict of options keyed by their display name to a dict keyed by their path
def pivot(options: Dict[str, JSON]) -> Dict[Key, Option]:
result: Dict[Key, Option] = dict()
for (name, opt) in options.items():
result[Key(opt['loc'])] = Option(name, opt)
return result
# pivot back to indexed-by-full-name
# like the docbook build we'll just fail if multiple options with differing locs
# render to the same option name.
def unpivot(options: Dict[Key, Option]) -> Dict[str, JSON]:
result: Dict[str, Dict] = dict()
for (key, opt) in options.items():
if opt.name in result:
raise RuntimeError(
'multiple options with colliding ids found',
result[opt.name] = opt.value
return result
# converts in-place!
def convertMD(options: Dict[str, Any]) -> str:
import mistune
import re
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape, quoteattr
admonitions = {
'.warning': 'warning',
'.important': 'important',
'.note': 'note'
class Renderer(mistune.renderers.BaseRenderer):
def _get_method(self, name):
return super(Renderer, self)._get_method(name)
except AttributeError:
def not_supported(*args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError("md node not supported yet", name, args, **kwargs)
return not_supported
def text(self, text):
return escape(text)
def paragraph(self, text):
return text + "\n\n"
def newline(self):
return "<literallayout>\n</literallayout>"
def codespan(self, text):
return f"<literal>{escape(text)}</literal>"
def block_code(self, text, info=None):
info = f" language={quoteattr(info)}" if info is not None else ""
return f"<programlisting{info}>\n{escape(text)}</programlisting>"
def link(self, link, text=None, title=None):
if link[0:1] == '#':
attr = "linkend"
link = quoteattr(link[1:])
# try to faithfully reproduce links that were of the form <link href="..."/>
# in docbook format
if text == link:
text = ""
attr = "xlink:href"
link = quoteattr(link)
return f"<link {attr}={link}>{text}</link>"
def list(self, text, ordered, level, start=None):
if ordered:
raise NotImplementedError("ordered lists not supported yet")
return f"<itemizedlist>\n{text}\n</itemizedlist>"
def list_item(self, text, level):
return f"<listitem><para>{text}</para></listitem>\n"
def block_text(self, text):
return text
def emphasis(self, text):
return f"<emphasis>{text}</emphasis>"
def strong(self, text):
return f"<emphasis role=\"strong\">{text}</emphasis>"
def admonition(self, text, kind):
if kind not in admonitions:
raise NotImplementedError(f"admonition {kind} not supported yet")
tag = admonitions[kind]
# we don't keep whitespace here because usually we'll contain only
# a single paragraph and the original docbook string is no longer
# available to restore the trailer.
return f"<{tag}><para>{text.rstrip()}</para></{tag}>"
def block_quote(self, text):
return f"<blockquote><para>{text}</para></blockquote>"
def command(self, text):
return f"<command>{escape(text)}</command>"
def option(self, text):
return f"<option>{escape(text)}</option>"
def file(self, text):
return f"<filename>{escape(text)}</filename>"
def manpage(self, page, section):
title = f"<refentrytitle>{escape(page)}</refentrytitle>"
vol = f"<manvolnum>{escape(section)}</manvolnum>"
return f"<citerefentry>{title}{vol}</citerefentry>"
def finalize(self, data):
return "".join(data)
plugins = []
COMMAND_PATTERN = r'\{command\}`(.*?)`'
def command(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return ('command', m.group(1))
md.inline.register_rule('command', COMMAND_PATTERN, parse)
FILE_PATTERN = r'\{file\}`(.*?)`'
def file(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return ('file', m.group(1))
md.inline.register_rule('file', FILE_PATTERN, parse)
OPTION_PATTERN = r'\{option\}`(.*?)`'
def option(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return ('option', m.group(1))
md.inline.register_rule('option', OPTION_PATTERN, parse)
MANPAGE_PATTERN = r'\{manpage\}`(.*?)\((.+?)\)`'
def manpage(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return ('manpage', m.group(1), m.group(2))
md.inline.register_rule('manpage', MANPAGE_PATTERN, parse)
ADMONITION_PATTERN = re.compile(r'^::: \{([^\n]*?)\}\n(.*?)^:::\n', flags=re.MULTILINE|re.DOTALL)
def admonition(md):
def parse(self, m, state):
return {
'type': 'admonition',
'children': self.parse(m.group(2), state),
'params': [ m.group(1) ],
md.block.register_rule('admonition', ADMONITION_PATTERN, parse)
def convertString(text: str) -> str:
rendered = mistune.markdown(text, renderer=Renderer(), plugins=plugins)
# keep trailing spaces so we can diff the generated XML to check for conversion bugs.
return rendered.rstrip() + text[len(text.rstrip()):]
def optionIs(option: Dict[str, Any], key: str, typ: str) -> bool:
if key not in option: return False
if type(option[key]) != dict: return False
if '_type' not in option[key]: return False
return option[key]['_type'] == typ
for (name, option) in options.items():
if optionIs(option, 'description', 'mdDoc'):
option['description'] = convertString(option['description']['text'])
if optionIs(option, 'example', 'literalMD'):
docbook = convertString(option['example']['text'])
option['example'] = { '_type': 'literalDocBook', 'text': docbook }
if optionIs(option, 'default', 'literalMD'):
docbook = convertString(option['default']['text'])
option['default'] = { '_type': 'literalDocBook', 'text': docbook }
return options
warningsAreErrors = sys.argv[1] == "--warnings-are-errors"
optOffset = 1 if warningsAreErrors else 0
options = pivot(json.load(open(sys.argv[1 + optOffset], 'r')))
overrides = pivot(json.load(open(sys.argv[2 + optOffset], 'r')))
# fix up declaration paths in lazy options, since we don't eval them from a full nixpkgs dir
for (k, v) in options.items():
# The _module options are not declared in nixos/modules
if v.value['loc'][0] != "_module":
v.value['declarations'] = list(map(lambda s: f'nixos/modules/{s}', v.value['declarations']))
# merge both descriptions
for (k, v) in overrides.items():
cur = options.setdefault(k, v).value
for (ok, ov) in v.value.items():
if ok == 'declarations':
decls = cur[ok]
for d in ov:
if d not in decls:
decls += [d]
elif ok == "type":
# ignore types of placeholder options
if ov != "_unspecified" or cur[ok] == "_unspecified":
cur[ok] = ov
elif ov is not None or cur.get(ok, None) is None:
cur[ok] = ov
severity = "error" if warningsAreErrors else "warning"
# check that every option has a description
hasWarnings = False
for (k, v) in options.items():
if v.value.get('description', None) is None:
hasWarnings = True
print(f"\x1b[1;31m{severity}: option {v.name} has no description\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr)
v.value['description'] = "This option has no description."
if v.value.get('type', "unspecified") == "unspecified":
hasWarnings = True
f"\x1b[1;31m{severity}: option {v.name} has no type. Please specify a valid type, see " +
"https://nixos.org/manual/nixos/stable/index.html#sec-option-types\x1b[0m", file=sys.stderr)
if hasWarnings and warningsAreErrors:
"\x1b[1;31m" +
"Treating warnings as errors. Set documentation.nixos.options.warningsAreErrors " +
"to false to ignore these warnings." +
json.dump(convertMD(unpivot(options)), fp=sys.stdout)