- This is the first packages which uses Dune in order to build and install so I had to refactor build-support/coq/default.nix in order to support it. - I added a new feature: one can now release.v.sha256 empty to try to download with a fake sha256, hence failures are reported and one can copy paste the sha256 given by the error message. - I updated the documentation of languages-frameworks/coq.section.md accordingly.
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{ lib, stdenv, coqPackages, coq, fetchzip }@args:
let lib = import ./extra-lib.nix {inherit (args) lib;}; in
with builtins; with lib;
isGitHubDomain = d: match "^github.*" d != null;
isGitLabDomain = d: match "^gitlab.*" d != null;
{ pname,
version ? null,
fetcher ? null,
owner ? "coq-community",
domain ? "github.com",
repo ? pname,
defaultVersion ? null,
releaseRev ? (v: v),
displayVersion ? {},
release ? {},
extraBuildInputs ? [],
namePrefix ? [],
enableParallelBuilding ? true,
extraInstallFlags ? [],
setCOQBIN ? true,
mlPlugin ? false,
useMelquiondRemake ? null,
dropAttrs ? [],
keepAttrs ? [],
dropDerivationAttrs ? [],
useDune2ifVersion ? (x: false),
useDune2 ? false,
args-to-remove = foldl (flip remove) ([
"version" "fetcher" "repo" "owner" "domain" "releaseRev"
"displayVersion" "defaultVersion" "useMelquiondRemake"
"release" "extraBuildInputs" "extraPropagatedBuildInputs" "namePrefix"
"meta" "useDune2ifVersion" "useDune2"
"extraInstallFlags" "setCOQBIN" "mlPlugin"
"dropAttrs" "dropDerivationAttrs" "keepAttrs" ] ++ dropAttrs) keepAttrs;
fetch = import ../coq/meta-fetch/default.nix
{ inherit lib stdenv fetchzip; } ({
inherit release releaseRev;
location = { inherit domain owner repo; };
} // optionalAttrs (args?fetcher) {inherit fetcher;});
fetched = fetch (if !isNull version then version else defaultVersion);
namePrefix = args.namePrefix or [ "coq" ];
display-pkg = n: sep: v:
let d = displayVersion.${n} or (if sep == "" then ".." else true); in
n + optionalString (v != "" && v != null) (switch d [
{ case = true; out = sep + v; }
{ case = "."; out = sep + versions.major v; }
{ case = ".."; out = sep + versions.majorMinor v; }
{ case = "..."; out = sep + versions.majorMinorPatch v; }
{ case = isFunction; out = optionalString (d v != "") (sep + d v); }
{ case = isString; out = optionalString (d != "") (sep + d); }
] "") + optionalString (v == null) "-broken";
append-version = p: n: p + display-pkg n "" coqPackages.${n}.version + "-";
prefix-name = foldl append-version "" namePrefix;
var-coqlib-install = (optionalString (versions.isGe "8.7" coq.coq-version) "COQMF_") + "COQLIB";
useDune2 = args.useDune2 or useDune2ifVersion fetched.version;
stdenv.mkDerivation (removeAttrs ({
name = prefix-name + (display-pkg pname "-" fetched.version);
inherit (fetched) version src;
buildInputs = [ coq ]
++ optionals mlPlugin coq.ocamlBuildInputs
++ optionals useDune2 [coq.ocaml coq.ocamlPackages.dune_2]
++ extraBuildInputs;
inherit enableParallelBuilding;
meta = ({ platforms = coq.meta.platforms; } //
(switch domain [{
case = pred.union isGitHubDomain isGitLabDomain;
out = { homepage = "https://${domain}/${owner}/${repo}"; };
}] {}) //
optionalAttrs (fetched.broken or false) { coqFilter = true; broken = true; }) //
(args.meta or {}) ;
// (optionalAttrs setCOQBIN { COQBIN = "${coq}/bin/"; })
// (optionalAttrs (!args?installPhase && !args?useMelquiondRemake) {
installFlags =
[ "${var-coqlib-install}=$(out)/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/" ] ++
optional (match ".*doc$" (args.installTargets or "") != null)
"DOCDIR=$(out)/share/coq/${coq.coq-version}/" ++
// (optionalAttrs useDune2 {
installPhase = ''
runHook preInstall
dune install --prefix=$out
mv $out/lib/coq $out/lib/TEMPORARY
mkdir $out/lib/coq/
mv $out/lib/TEMPORARY $out/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}
runHook postInstall
// (optionalAttrs (args?useMelquiondRemake) rec {
COQUSERCONTRIB = "$out/lib/coq/${coq.coq-version}/user-contrib";
preConfigurePhases = "autoconf";
configureFlags = [ "--libdir=${COQUSERCONTRIB}/${useMelquiondRemake.logpath or ""}" ];
buildPhase = "./remake -j$NIX_BUILD_CORES";
installPhase = "./remake install";
// (removeAttrs args args-to-remove)) dropDerivationAttrs)