zowoq 31f5dd3f36 treewide: editorconfig fixes
- remove trailing whitespace
- use spaces for indentation
2021-01-20 09:11:11 +10:00

44 lines
1.1 KiB

{stdenv, lib, fetchurl, ocaml, findlib}:
pname = "xml-light";
version = "2.4";
stdenv.mkDerivation {
name = "ocaml-${pname}-${version}";
src = fetchurl {
url = "${pname}/archive/${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "10b55qf6mvdp11ny3h0jv6k6wrs78jr9lhsiswl0xya7z8r8j0a2";
buildInputs = [ ocaml findlib ];
createFindlibDestdir = true;
buildPhase = ''
make all
make opt
installPhase = ''
make install_ocamlfind
mkdir -p $out/share
cp -vai doc $out/share/
meta = {
description = "Minimal Xml parser and printer for OCaml";
longDescription = ''
Xml-Light provides functions to parse an XML document into an OCaml
data structure, work with it, and print it back to an XML
document. It support also DTD parsing and checking, and is
entirely written in OCaml, hence it does not require additional C
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.lgpl21;
maintainers = [ lib.maintainers.romildo ];
platforms = ocaml.meta.platforms or [];