Adds programs.mosh.withUtempter (default: true). The option enables -with-utempter for mosh, allowing it to write to /var/run/utmp and thus making connected sessions appear in the output of `who -a`. For that, a guid-wrapper is required. Also, the path to the `utempter` was hardcoded in the resulting binary until now (so it could never been found), thus, libutempter was patched accordingly to point to /run/wrappers/bin/utempter which at least works when the wrapper is configured.
15 lines
537 B
15 lines
537 B
diff -ur mosh-1.3.2/src/frontend/mosh-server.cc mosh-1.3.2.patched/src/frontend/mosh-server.cc
--- mosh-1.3.2/src/frontend/mosh-server.cc 2017-07-22 23:14:53.000000000 +0200
+++ mosh-1.3.2.patched/src/frontend/mosh-server.cc 2018-06-06 10:45:50.725352804 +0200
@@ -351,6 +351,10 @@
+ utempter_set_helper( "utempter" );
try {
return run_server( desired_ip, desired_port, command_path, command_argv, colors, verbose, with_motd );
} catch ( const Network::NetworkException &e ) {