With removeUnknownConfigureFlags, it's impossible to express a package that needs --enable-static, but will not accept --disable-shared, without overriding the result of removeUnknownConfigureFlags _again_ in pkgs/top-level/static.nix. It would be much better (and more in line with the rest of Nixpkgs) if we encoded changes needed for static builds in package definitions themselves, rather than in an ever-expanding list in static.nix. This is especially true when doing it in static.nix is going to require multiple overrides to express what could be expressed with stdenv options. So as a step in that direction, and to fix the problem described above, here I replace removeUnknownConfigureFlags with a new stdenv option, dontAddStaticConfigureFlags. With this mechanism, a package that needs one but not both of the flags just needs to set dontAddStaticConfigureFlags and then set up configureFlags manually based on stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic.
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# Overlay that builds static packages.
# Not all packages will build but support is done on a
# best effort basic.
# Note on Darwin/macOS: Apple does not provide a static libc
# so any attempts at static binaries are going to be very
# unsupported.
# Basic things like pkgsStatic.hello should work out of the box. More
# complicated things will need to be fixed with overrides.
self: super: let
inherit (super.stdenvAdapters) makeStaticBinaries
inherit (super.lib) foldl optional flip id composeExtensions optionalAttrs optionalString;
inherit (super) makeSetupHook;
# Best effort static binaries. Will still be linked to libSystem,
# but more portable than Nix store binaries.
makeStaticDarwin = stdenv_: let stdenv = stdenv_.override {
# extraBuildInputs are dropped in cross.nix, but darwin still needs them
extraBuildInputs = [ self.buildPackages.darwin.CF ];
}; in stdenv // {
mkDerivation = args: stdenv.mkDerivation (args // {
NIX_CFLAGS_LINK = toString (args.NIX_CFLAGS_LINK or "")
+ optionalString (stdenv_.cc.isGNU or false) " -static-libgcc";
nativeBuildInputs = (args.nativeBuildInputs or []) ++ [ (makeSetupHook {
substitutions = {
libsystem = "${stdenv.cc.libc}/lib/libSystem.B.dylib";
} ../stdenv/darwin/portable-libsystem.sh) ];
staticAdapters =
# makeStaticDarwin must go first so that the extraBuildInputs
# override does not recreate mkDerivation, removing subsequent
# adapters.
optional super.stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin makeStaticDarwin
++ [ makeStaticLibraries propagateBuildInputs ]
# Apple does not provide a static version of libSystem or crt0.o
# So we can’t build static binaries without extensive hacks.
++ optional (!super.stdenv.hostPlatform.isDarwin) makeStaticBinaries
# Glibc doesn’t come with static runtimes by default.
# ++ optional (super.stdenv.hostPlatform.libc == "glibc") ((flip overrideInStdenv) [ self.stdenv.glibc.static ])
ocamlFixPackage = b:
b.overrideAttrs (o: {
configurePlatforms = [ ];
dontAddStaticConfigureFlags = true;
buildInputs = o.buildInputs ++ o.nativeBuildInputs or [ ];
propagatedNativeBuildInputs = o.propagatedBuildInputs or [ ];
ocamlStaticAdapter = _: super:
(_: p: if p ? overrideAttrs then ocamlFixPackage p else p)
// {
lablgtk = null; # Currently xlibs cause infinite recursion
ocaml = ((super.ocaml.override { useX11 = false; }).overrideAttrs (o: {
configurePlatforms = [ ];
dontUpdateAutotoolsGnuConfigScripts = true;
})).overrideDerivation (o: {
preConfigure = ''
configureFlagsArray+=("-cc" "$CC" "-as" "$AS" "-partialld" "$LD -r")
dontAddStaticConfigureFlags = true;
configureFlags = [
"-host ${o.stdenv.hostPlatform.config}"
"-target ${o.stdenv.targetPlatform.config}"
llvmStaticAdapter = llvmPackages:
llvmPackages // {
stdenv = foldl (flip id) llvmPackages.stdenv staticAdapters;
libcxxStdenv = foldl (flip id) llvmPackages.libcxxStdenv staticAdapters;
in {
stdenv = foldl (flip id) super.stdenv staticAdapters;
gcc49Stdenv = foldl (flip id) super.gcc49Stdenv staticAdapters;
gcc6Stdenv = foldl (flip id) super.gcc6Stdenv staticAdapters;
gcc7Stdenv = foldl (flip id) super.gcc7Stdenv staticAdapters;
gcc8Stdenv = foldl (flip id) super.gcc8Stdenv staticAdapters;
gcc9Stdenv = foldl (flip id) super.gcc9Stdenv staticAdapters;
llvmPackages_5 = llvmStaticAdapter super.llvmPackages_5;
llvmPackages_6 = llvmStaticAdapter super.llvmPackages_6;
llvmPackages_7 = llvmStaticAdapter super.llvmPackages_7;
llvmPackages_8 = llvmStaticAdapter super.llvmPackages_8;
llvmPackages_9 = llvmStaticAdapter super.llvmPackages_9;
llvmPackages_10 = llvmStaticAdapter super.llvmPackages_10;
llvmPackages_11 = llvmStaticAdapter super.llvmPackages_11;
llvmPackages_12 = llvmStaticAdapter super.llvmPackages_12;
boost = super.boost.override {
# Don’t use new stdenv for boost because it doesn’t like the
# --disable-shared flag
stdenv = super.stdenv;
curl = super.curl.override {
# brotli doesn't build static (Mar. 2021)
brotliSupport = false;
# disable gss becuase of: undefined reference to `k5_bcmp'
gssSupport = false;
ocaml-ng = self.lib.mapAttrs (_: set:
if set ? overrideScope' then set.overrideScope' ocamlStaticAdapter else set
) super.ocaml-ng;
perl = super.perl.override {
# Don’t use new stdenv zlib because
# it doesn’t like the --disable-shared flag
stdenv = super.stdenv;
zlib = super.zlib.override {
# Don’t use new stdenv zlib because
# it doesn’t like the --disable-shared flag
stdenv = super.stdenv;