By default PHP is looking for sendmail in /usr/bin/sendmail which isn't a correct path for NixOS.
304 lines
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304 lines
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# We have tests for PCRE and PHP-FPM in nixos/tests/php/ or
# both in the same attribute named nixosTests.php
{ callPackage, lib, stdenv, nixosTests }@_args:
generic =
{ callPackage, lib, stdenv, nixosTests, config, fetchurl, makeWrapper
, symlinkJoin, writeText, autoconf, automake, bison, flex, libtool
, pkgconfig, re2c, apacheHttpd, libargon2, libxml2, pcre, pcre2
, systemd, system-sendmail, valgrind, xcbuild
, version
, sha256
, extraPatches ? []
# Sapi flags
, cgiSupport ? true
, cliSupport ? true
, fpmSupport ? true
, pearSupport ? true
, pharSupport ? true
, phpdbgSupport ? true
# Misc flags
, apxs2Support ? !stdenv.isDarwin
, argon2Support ? true
, cgotoSupport ? false
, embedSupport ? false
, ipv6Support ? true
, systemdSupport ? stdenv.isLinux
, valgrindSupport ? true
, ztsSupport ? apxs2Support
# buildEnv wraps php to provide additional extensions and
# configuration. Its usage is documented in
# doc/languages-frameworks/
# Create a buildEnv with earlier overridden values and
# extensions functions in its closure. This is necessary for
# consecutive calls to buildEnv and overrides to work as
# expected.
mkBuildEnv = prevArgs: prevExtensionFunctions: lib.makeOverridable (
{ extensions ? ({ enabled, ... }: enabled), extraConfig ? "", ... }@innerArgs:
allArgs = args // prevArgs // innerArgs;
filteredArgs = builtins.removeAttrs allArgs [ "extensions" "extraConfig" ];
php = generic filteredArgs;
php-packages = (callPackage ../../../top-level/php-packages.nix {
php = phpWithExtensions;
allExtensionFunctions = prevExtensionFunctions ++ [ extensions ];
enabledExtensions =
(enabled: f:
f { inherit enabled; all = php-packages.extensions; })
getExtName = ext: lib.removePrefix "php-" (builtins.parseDrvName;
# Recursively get a list of all internal dependencies
# for a list of extensions.
getDepsRecursively = extensions:
deps = lib.concatMap
(ext: (ext.internalDeps or []) ++ (ext.peclDeps or []))
if ! (deps == []) then
deps ++ (getDepsRecursively deps)
# Generate extension load configuration snippets from the
# extension parameter. This is an attrset suitable for use
# with textClosureList, which is used to put the strings in
# the right order - if a plugin which is dependent on
# another plugin is placed before its dependency, it will
# fail to load.
extensionTexts =
(map (ext:
extName = getExtName ext;
phpDeps = (ext.internalDeps or []) ++ (ext.peclDeps or []);
type = "${lib.optionalString (ext.zendExtension or false) "zend_"}extension";
lib.nameValuePair extName {
text = "${type}=${ext}/lib/php/extensions/${extName}.so";
deps = map getExtName phpDeps;
(enabledExtensions ++ (getDepsRecursively enabledExtensions)));
extNames = map getExtName enabledExtensions;
extraInit = writeText "php.ini" ''
${lib.concatStringsSep "\n"
(lib.textClosureList extensionTexts extNames)}
phpWithExtensions = symlinkJoin rec {
name = "php-with-extensions-${version}";
inherit (php) version;
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
passthru = {
buildEnv = mkBuildEnv allArgs allExtensionFunctions;
withExtensions = mkWithExtensions allArgs allExtensionFunctions;
phpIni = "${phpWithExtensions}/lib/php.ini";
unwrapped = php;
tests = nixosTests.php;
inherit (php-packages) packages extensions buildPecl;
meta = php.meta // {
outputsToInstall = [ "out" ];
paths = [ php ];
postBuild = ''
cp ${extraInit} $out/lib/php.ini
wrapProgram $out/bin/php --set PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR $out/lib
if test -e $out/bin/php-fpm; then
wrapProgram $out/bin/php-fpm --set PHP_INI_SCAN_DIR $out/lib
mkWithExtensions = prevArgs: prevExtensionFunctions: extensions:
mkBuildEnv prevArgs prevExtensionFunctions { inherit extensions; };
pcre' = if (lib.versionAtLeast version "7.3") then pcre2 else pcre;
stdenv.mkDerivation {
pname = "php";
inherit version;
enableParallelBuilding = true;
nativeBuildInputs = [ autoconf automake bison flex libtool pkgconfig re2c ]
++ lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin xcbuild;
buildInputs =
# PCRE extension
[ pcre' ]
# Enable sapis
++ lib.optional pearSupport [ ]
# Misc deps
++ lib.optional apxs2Support apacheHttpd
++ lib.optional argon2Support libargon2
++ lib.optional systemdSupport systemd
++ lib.optional valgrindSupport valgrind
CXXFLAGS = lib.optionalString "-std=c++11";
configureFlags =
# Disable all extensions
[ "--disable-all" ]
++ lib.optionals (lib.versionAtLeast version "7.4") [ "--with-external-pcre=${pcre'.dev}" ]
++ lib.optionals (lib.versions.majorMinor version == "7.3") [ "--with-pcre-regex=${pcre'.dev}" ]
++ lib.optionals (lib.versionOlder version "7.3") [ "--with-pcre-regex=${pcre'.dev}" ]
++ [ "PCRE_LIBDIR=${pcre'}" ]
# Enable sapis
++ lib.optional (!cgiSupport) "--disable-cgi"
++ lib.optional (!cliSupport) "--disable-cli"
++ lib.optional fpmSupport "--enable-fpm"
++ lib.optional pearSupport [ "--with-pear=$(out)/lib/php/pear" "--enable-xml" "--with-libxml" ]
++ lib.optionals (pearSupport && (lib.versionOlder version "7.4")) [
++ lib.optional pharSupport "--enable-phar"
++ lib.optional phpdbgSupport "--enable-phpdbg"
# Misc flags
++ lib.optional apxs2Support "--with-apxs2=${}/bin/apxs"
++ lib.optional argon2Support "--with-password-argon2=${libargon2}"
++ lib.optional cgotoSupport "--enable-re2c-cgoto"
++ lib.optional embedSupport "--enable-embed"
++ lib.optional (!ipv6Support) "--disable-ipv6"
++ lib.optional systemdSupport "--with-fpm-systemd"
++ lib.optional valgrindSupport "--with-valgrind=${}"
++ lib.optional ztsSupport "--enable-maintainer-zts"
# Sendmail
++ [ "PROG_SENDMAIL=${system-sendmail}/bin/sendmail" ]
hardeningDisable = [ "bindnow" ];
preConfigure =
# Don't record the configure flags since this causes unnecessary
# runtime dependencies
for i in main/ scripts/; do
substituteInPlace $i \
--replace '@CONFIGURE_COMMAND@' '(omitted)' \
--replace '@CONFIGURE_OPTIONS@' "" \
--replace '@PHP_LDFLAGS@' ""
export EXTENSION_DIR=$out/lib/php/extensions
# PKG_CONFIG need not be a relative path
+ lib.optionalString (! lib.versionAtLeast version "7.4") ''
for i in $(find . -type f -name "*.m4"); do
substituteInPlace $i \
--replace 'test -x "$PKG_CONFIG"' 'type -P "$PKG_CONFIG" >/dev/null'
'' + ''
./buildconf --copy --force
if test -f $src/genfiles; then
'' + lib.optionalString stdenv.isDarwin ''
substituteInPlace configure --replace "-lstdc++" "-lc++"
postInstall = ''
test -d $out/etc || mkdir $out/etc
cp php.ini-production $out/etc/php.ini
postFixup = ''
mkdir -p $dev/bin $dev/share/man/man1
mv $out/bin/phpize $out/bin/php-config $dev/bin/
mv $out/share/man/man1/phpize.1.gz \
$out/share/man/man1/php-config.1.gz \
src = fetchurl {
url = "${version}.tar.bz2";
inherit sha256;
patches = [ ./fix-paths-php7.patch ] ++ extraPatches;
separateDebugInfo = true;
outputs = [ "out" "dev" ];
passthru = {
buildEnv = mkBuildEnv {} [];
withExtensions = mkWithExtensions {} [];
meta = with stdenv.lib; {
description = "An HTML-embedded scripting language";
homepage = "";
license = licenses.php301;
maintainers = teams.php.members;
platforms = platforms.all;
outputsToInstall = [ "out" "dev" ];
php73base = callPackage generic (_args // {
version = "7.3.20";
sha256 = "1pl9bjwvdva2yx4sh465z9cr4bnr8mvv008w71sy1kqsj6a7ivf6";
extraPatches = lib.optional stdenv.isDarwin ./php73-darwin-isfinite.patch;
php74base = callPackage generic (_args // {
version = "7.4.8";
sha256 = "0ql01sfg8l7y2bfwmnjxnfw9irpibnz57ssck24b00y00nkd6j3a";
defaultPhpExtensions = { all, ... }: with all; ([
bcmath calendar curl ctype dom exif fileinfo filter ftp gd
gettext gmp iconv intl json ldap mbstring mysqli mysqlnd opcache
openssl pcntl pdo pdo_mysql pdo_odbc pdo_pgsql pdo_sqlite pgsql
posix readline session simplexml sockets soap sodium sqlite3
tokenizer xmlreader xmlwriter zip zlib
] ++ lib.optionals (!stdenv.isDarwin) [ imap ]);
defaultPhpExtensionsWithHash = { all, ... }:
(defaultPhpExtensions { inherit all; }) ++ [ all.hash ];
php74 = php74base.withExtensions defaultPhpExtensions;
php73 = php73base.withExtensions defaultPhpExtensionsWithHash;
in {
inherit php73 php74;