John Ericson f52263ced0 treewide: Start to break up static overlay
We can use use `stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic` instead, and move the
logic per package. The least opionated benefit of this is that it makes
it much easier to replace packages with modified ones, as there is no
longer any issue of overlay order.

CC @FRidh @matthewbauer
2021-01-03 19:18:16 +00:00

58 lines
1.8 KiB

{ fetchurl, stdenv, lib
, enableStatic ? stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
, enableShared ? !stdenv.hostPlatform.isStatic
# assert !stdenv.hostPlatform.isLinux || stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform; # TODO: improve on cross
stdenv.mkDerivation rec {
pname = "libiconv";
version = "1.16";
src = fetchurl {
url = "mirror://gnu/libiconv/${pname}-${version}.tar.gz";
sha256 = "016c57srqr0bza5fxjxfrx6aqxkqy0s3gkhcg7p7fhk5i6sv38g6";
setupHooks = [
postPatch =
lib.optionalString ((stdenv.hostPlatform != stdenv.buildPlatform && stdenv.hostPlatform.libc == "msvcrt") ||
sed '/^_GL_WARN_ON_USE (gets/d' -i srclib/
+ lib.optionalString (!enableShared) ''
sed -i -e '/preload/d'
configureFlags = [
(lib.enableFeature enableStatic "static")
(lib.enableFeature enableShared "shared")
] ++ lib.optional stdenv.isFreeBSD "--with-pic";
meta = {
description = "An iconv(3) implementation";
longDescription = ''
Some programs, like mailers and web browsers, must be able to convert
between a given text encoding and the user's encoding. Other programs
internally store strings in Unicode, to facilitate internal processing,
and need to convert between internal string representation (Unicode)
and external string representation (a traditional encoding) when they
are doing I/O. GNU libiconv is a conversion library for both kinds of
homepage = "";
license = lib.licenses.lgpl2Plus;
maintainers = [ ];
# This library is not needed on GNU platforms.
hydraPlatforms = with lib.platforms; cygwin ++ darwin ++ freebsd;