The `nix.*` options, apart from options for setting up the daemon itself, currently provide a lot of setting mappings for the Nix daemon configuration. The scope of the mapping yields convience, but the line where an option is considered essential is blurry. For instance, the `extra-sandbox-paths` mapping is provided without its primary consumer, and the corresponding `sandbox-paths` option is also not mapped. The current system increases the maintenance burden as maintainers have to closely follow upstream changes. In this case, there are two state versions of Nix which have to be maintained collectively, with different options avaliable. This commit aims to following the standard outlined in RFC 42[1] to implement a structural setting pattern. The Nix configuration is encoded at its core as key-value pairs which maps nicely to attribute sets, making it feasible to express in the Nix language itself. Some existing options are kept such as `buildMachines` and `registry` which present a simplified interface to managing the respective settings. The interface is exposed as `nix.settings`. Legacy configurations are mapped to their corresponding options under `nix.settings` for backwards compatibility. Various options settings in other nixos modules and relevant tests have been updated to use structural setting for consistency. The generation and validation of the configration file has been modified to use `writeTextFile` instead of `runCommand` for clarity. Note that validation is now mandatory as strict checking of options has been pushed down to the derivation level due to freeformType consuming unmatched options. Furthermore, validation can not occur when cross-compiling due to current limitations. A new option `publicHostKey` was added to the `buildMachines` submodule corresponding to the base64 encoded public host key settings exposed in the builder syntax. The build machine generation was subsequently rewritten to use `concatStringsSep` for better performance by grouping concatenations. [1] - https://github.com/NixOS/rfcs/blob/master/rfcs/0042-config-option.md
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import ./make-test-python.nix ({ pkgs, lib, ... }: {
name = "containers-imperative";
meta = {
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [ aristid aszlig eelco kampfschlaefer ];
machine =
{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
{ imports = [ ../modules/installer/cd-dvd/channel.nix ];
# XXX: Sandbox setup fails while trying to hardlink files from the host's
# store file system into the prepared chroot directory.
nix.settings.sandbox = false;
nix.settings.substituters = []; # don't try to access cache.nixos.org
virtualisation.writableStore = true;
# Make sure we always have all the required dependencies for creating a
# container available within the VM, because we don't have network access.
virtualisation.additionalPaths = let
emptyContainer = import ../lib/eval-config.nix {
inherit (config.nixpkgs.localSystem) system;
modules = lib.singleton {
containers.foo.config = {
system.stateVersion = "18.03";
in with pkgs; [
stdenv stdenvNoCC emptyContainer.config.containers.foo.path
libxslt desktop-file-utils texinfo docbook5 libxml2
docbook_xsl_ns xorg.lndir documentation-highlighter
testScript = let
tmpfilesContainerConfig = pkgs.writeText "container-config-tmpfiles" ''
systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [ "d /foo - - - - -" ];
systemd.services.foo = {
serviceConfig.Type = "oneshot";
script = "ls -al /foo";
wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ];
brokenCfg = pkgs.writeText "broken.nix" ''
assertions = [
{ assertion = false;
message = "I never evaluate";
in ''
with subtest("Make sure we have a NixOS tree (required by ‘nixos-container create’)"):
machine.succeed("PAGER=cat nix-env -qa -A nixos.hello >&2")
id1, id2 = None, None
with subtest("Create some containers imperatively"):
id1 = machine.succeed("nixos-container create foo --ensure-unique-name").rstrip()
machine.log(f"created container {id1}")
id2 = machine.succeed("nixos-container create foo --ensure-unique-name").rstrip()
machine.log(f"created container {id2}")
assert id1 != id2
with subtest(f"Put the root of {id2} into a bind mount"):
f"mv /var/lib/containers/{id2} /id2-bindmount",
f"mount --bind /id2-bindmount /var/lib/containers/{id1}",
ip1 = machine.succeed(f"nixos-container show-ip {id1}").rstrip()
ip2 = machine.succeed(f"nixos-container show-ip {id2}").rstrip()
assert ip1 != ip2
with subtest(
"Create a directory and a file we can later check if it still exists "
+ "after destruction of the container"
machine.succeed("mkdir /nested-bindmount")
machine.succeed("echo important data > /nested-bindmount/dummy")
with subtest(
"Create a directory with a dummy file and bind-mount it into both containers."
for id in id1, id2:
important_path = f"/var/lib/containers/{id}/very/important/data"
f"mkdir -p {important_path}",
f"mount --bind /nested-bindmount {important_path}",
with subtest("Start one of them"):
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container start {id1}")
with subtest("Execute commands via the root shell"):
assert "Linux" in machine.succeed(f"nixos-container run {id1} -- uname")
with subtest("Execute a nix command via the root shell. (regression test for #40355)"):
f"nixos-container run {id1} -- nix-instantiate -E "
+ '\'derivation { name = "empty"; builder = "false"; system = "false"; }\' '
with subtest("Stop and start (regression test for #4989)"):
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container stop {id1}")
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container start {id1}")
# clear serial backlog for next tests
machine.succeed("logger eat console backlog 3ea46eb2-7f82-4f70-b810-3f00e3dd4c4d")
"eat console backlog 3ea46eb2-7f82-4f70-b810-3f00e3dd4c4d"
with subtest("Stop a container early"):
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container stop {id1}")
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container start {id1} >&2 &")
machine.wait_for_console_text("Stage 2")
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container stop {id1}")
machine.wait_for_console_text(f"Container {id1} exited successfully")
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container start {id1}")
with subtest("Stop a container without machined (regression test for #109695)"):
machine.systemctl("stop systemd-machined")
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container stop {id1}")
machine.wait_for_console_text(f"Container {id1} has been shut down")
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container start {id1}")
with subtest("tmpfiles are present"):
machine.log("creating container tmpfiles")
"nixos-container create tmpfiles --config-file ${tmpfilesContainerConfig}"
machine.log("created, starting…")
machine.succeed("nixos-container start tmpfiles")
machine.log("done starting, investigating…")
"echo $(nixos-container run tmpfiles -- systemctl is-active foo.service) | grep -q active;"
machine.succeed("nixos-container destroy tmpfiles")
with subtest("Execute commands via the root shell"):
assert "Linux" in machine.succeed(f"nixos-container run {id1} -- uname")
with subtest("Destroy the containers"):
for id in id1, id2:
machine.succeed(f"nixos-container destroy {id}")
with subtest("Check whether destruction of any container has killed important data"):
machine.succeed("grep -qF 'important data' /nested-bindmount/dummy")
with subtest("Ensure that the container path is gone"):
print(machine.succeed("ls -lsa /var/lib/containers"))
machine.succeed(f"test ! -e /var/lib/containers/{id1}")
with subtest("Ensure that a failed container creation doesn'leave any state"):
"nixos-container create b0rk --config-file ${brokenCfg}"
machine.succeed("test ! -e /var/lib/containers/b0rk")