
51 lines
1.5 KiB

{lib, stdenv, fetchFromGitHub, ocamlPackages, fontschumachermisc, xset, makeWrapper, ncurses, gnugrep
, enableX11 ? true}:
let inherit (ocamlPackages) ocaml lablgtk; in
stdenv.mkDerivation (rec {
pname = "unison";
version = "2.51.3";
src = fetchFromGitHub {
owner = "bcpierce00";
repo = "unison";
rev = "v${version}";
sha256 = "sha256-42hmdMwOYSWGiDCmhuqtpCWtvtyD2l+kA/bhHD/Qh5Y=";
nativeBuildInputs = [ makeWrapper ];
buildInputs = [ ocaml ncurses ];
preBuild = (if enableX11 then ''
sed -i "s|\(OCAMLOPT=.*\)$|\1 -I $(echo "${lablgtk}"/lib/ocaml/*/site-lib/lablgtk2)|" src/Makefile.OCaml
'' else "") + ''
echo -e '\ninstall:\n\tcp $(FSMONITOR)$(EXEC_EXT) $(INSTALLDIR)' >> src/fsmonitor/linux/Makefile
makeFlags = [
"UISTYLE=${if enableX11 then "gtk2" else "text"}"
] ++ lib.optional (!ocaml.nativeCompilers) "NATIVE=false";
preInstall = "mkdir -p $out/bin";
postInstall = if enableX11 then ''
for i in $(cd $out/bin && ls); do
wrapProgram $out/bin/$i \
--run "[ -n \"\$DISPLAY\" ] && (${xset}/bin/xset q | ${gnugrep}/bin/grep -q \"${fontschumachermisc}\" || ${xset}/bin/xset +fp \"${fontschumachermisc}/lib/X11/fonts/misc\")"
'' else "";
dontStrip = !ocaml.nativeCompilers;
meta = {
homepage = "";
description = "Bidirectional file synchronizer";
license = lib.licenses.gpl3Plus;
maintainers = with lib.maintainers; [viric];
platforms = with lib.platforms; unix;