In #84415, autoPatchelfHook was taught to use the correct path to the readelf binary when a crossSystem is specified. Unfortunately, the remainder of the functionality in the script depended on ldd, which only reads ELF files of its own architecture. It has the further unfortunate quality of not reporting any useful error, but rather that the file is not a dynamic executable. This change uses patchelf to directly analyze the DT_NEEDED tags in the target files instead, which correctly works across architectures. It also updates the use of objdump to be prefix-aware $OBJDUMP (which would have been required in the PR mentioned above, but we never made it that far into the script execution).
314 lines
10 KiB
314 lines
10 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env bash
declare -a autoPatchelfLibs
declare -Ag autoPatchelfFailedDeps
gatherLibraries() {
# wrapper around patchelf to raise proper error messages
# containing the tried file name and command
runPatchelf() {
patchelf "$@" || (echo "Command failed: patchelf $*" && exit 1)
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# (targetOffset is referenced but not assigned.)
addEnvHooks "$targetOffset" gatherLibraries
isExecutable() {
# For dynamically linked ELF files it would be enough to check just for the
# INTERP section. However, we won't catch statically linked executables as
# they only have an ELF type of EXEC but no INTERP.
# So what we do here is just check whether *either* the ELF type is EXEC
# *or* there is an INTERP section. This also catches position-independent
# executables, as they typically have an INTERP section but their ELF type
# is DYN.
isExeResult="$(LANG=C $READELF -h -l "$1" 2> /dev/null \
| grep '^ *Type: *EXEC\>\|^ *INTERP\>')"
# not using grep -q, because it can cause Broken pipe
# https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/305547/broken-pipe-when-grepping-output-but-only-with-i-flag
[ -n "$isExeResult" ]
# We cache dependencies so that we don't need to search through all of them on
# every consecutive call to findDependency.
declare -Ag autoPatchelfCachedDepsAssoc
declare -ag autoPatchelfCachedDeps
addToDepCache() {
if [[ ${autoPatchelfCachedDepsAssoc[$1]+f} ]]; then return; fi
# store deps in an assoc. array for efficient lookups
# otherwise findDependency would have quadratic complexity
# also store deps in normal array to maintain their order
declare -gi depCacheInitialised=0
declare -gi doneRecursiveSearch=0
declare -g foundDependency
getDepsFromElfBinary() {
# NOTE: This does not use runPatchelf because it may encounter non-ELF
# files. Caller is expected to check the return code if needed.
patchelf --print-needed "$1" 2> /dev/null
getRpathFromElfBinary() {
# NOTE: This does not use runPatchelf because it may encounter non-ELF
# files. Caller is expected to check the return code if needed.
local rpath
rpath="$(patchelf --print-rpath "$1" 2> /dev/null)" || return $?
local IFS=':'
printf "%s\n" $rpath
populateCacheForDep() {
local so="$1"
local rpath found
rpath="$(getRpathFromElfBinary "$so")" || return 1
for found in $(getDepsFromElfBinary "$so"); do
local rpathElem
for rpathElem in $rpath; do
# Ignore empty element or $ORIGIN magic variable which should be
# deterministically resolved by adding this package's library
# files early anyway.
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
# (Expressions don't expand in single quotes, use double quotes for
# that.)
if [[ -z "$rpathElem" || "$rpathElem" == *'$ORIGIN'* ]]; then
local soname="${found%.so*}"
local foundso=
for foundso in "$rpathElem/$soname".so*; do
addToDepCache "$foundso"
# Found in this element of the rpath, no need to check others.
if [ -n "$foundso" ]; then
# Not found in any rpath element.
return 1
populateCacheWithRecursiveDeps() {
# Dependencies may add more to the end of this array, so we use a counter
# with while instead of a regular for loop here.
local -i i=0
while [ $i -lt ${#autoPatchelfCachedDeps[@]} ]; do
populateCacheForDep "${autoPatchelfCachedDeps[$i]}"
getSoArch() {
$OBJDUMP -f "$1" | sed -ne 's/^architecture: *\([^,]\+\).*/\1/p'
# NOTE: If you want to use this function outside of the autoPatchelf function,
# keep in mind that the dependency cache is only valid inside the subshell
# spawned by the autoPatchelf function, so invoking this directly will possibly
# rebuild the dependency cache. See the autoPatchelf function below for more
# information.
findDependency() {
local filename="$1"
local arch="$2"
local lib dep
if [ $depCacheInitialised -eq 0 ]; then
for lib in "${autoPatchelfLibs[@]}"; do
for so in "$lib/"*.so*; do addToDepCache "$so"; done
for dep in "${autoPatchelfCachedDeps[@]}"; do
if [ "$filename" = "${dep##*/}" ]; then
if [ "$(getSoArch "$dep")" = "$arch" ]; then
return 0
# Populate the dependency cache with recursive dependencies *only* if we
# didn't find the right dependency so far and afterwards run findDependency
# again, but this time with $doneRecursiveSearch set to 1 so that it won't
# recurse again (and thus infinitely).
if [ $doneRecursiveSearch -eq 0 ]; then
findDependency "$filename" "$arch" || return 1
return 0
return 1
autoPatchelfFile() {
local dep rpath="" toPatch="$1"
local interpreter
interpreter="$(< "$NIX_CC/nix-support/dynamic-linker")"
if isExecutable "$toPatch"; then
runPatchelf --set-interpreter "$interpreter" "$toPatch"
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# (runtimeDependencies is referenced but not assigned.)
if [ -n "$runtimeDependencies" ]; then
for dep in $runtimeDependencies; do
local libcLib
libcLib="$(< "$NIX_CC/nix-support/orig-libc")/lib"
echo "searching for dependencies of $toPatch" >&2
local missing
missing="$(getDepsFromElfBinary "$toPatch")" || return 0
# This ensures that we get the output of all missing dependencies instead
# of failing at the first one, because it's more useful when working on a
# new package where you don't yet know its dependencies.
for dep in $missing; do
# Check whether this library exists in libc. If so, we don't need to do
# any futher searching -- it will be resolved correctly by the linker.
if [ -f "$libcLib/$dep" ]; then
echo -n " $dep -> " >&2
if findDependency "$dep" "$(getSoArch "$toPatch")"; then
echo "found: $foundDependency" >&2
echo "not found!" >&2
if [ -n "$rpath" ]; then
echo "setting RPATH to: $rpath" >&2
runPatchelf --set-rpath "$rpath" "$toPatch"
# Can be used to manually add additional directories with shared object files
# to be included for the next autoPatchelf invocation.
addAutoPatchelfSearchPath() {
local -a findOpts=()
# XXX: Somewhat similar to the one in the autoPatchelf function, maybe make
# it DRY someday...
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
--) shift; break;;
--no-recurse) shift; findOpts+=("-maxdepth" 1);;
echo "addAutoPatchelfSearchPath: ERROR: Invalid command line" \
"argument: $1" >&2
return 1;;
*) break;;
while IFS= read -r -d '' file; do
addToDepCache "$file"
done < <(find "$@" "${findOpts[@]}" \! -type d \
\( -name '*.so' -o -name '*.so.*' \) -print0)
autoPatchelf() {
local norecurse=
while [ $# -gt 0 ]; do
case "$1" in
--) shift; break;;
--no-recurse) shift; norecurse=1;;
echo "autoPatchelf: ERROR: Invalid command line" \
"argument: $1" >&2
return 1;;
*) break;;
if [ $# -eq 0 ]; then
echo "autoPatchelf: No paths to patch specified." >&2
return 1
echo "automatically fixing dependencies for ELF files" >&2
# Add all shared objects of the current output path to the start of
# autoPatchelfCachedDeps so that it's chosen first in findDependency.
addAutoPatchelfSearchPath ${norecurse:+--no-recurse} -- "$@"
while IFS= read -r -d $'\0' file; do
isELF "$file" || continue
segmentHeaders="$(LANG=C $READELF -l "$file")"
# Skip if the ELF file doesn't have segment headers (eg. object files).
# not using grep -q, because it can cause Broken pipe
grep -q '^Program Headers:' <<<"$segmentHeaders" || continue
if isExecutable "$file"; then
# Skip if the executable is statically linked.
grep -q "^ *INTERP\\>" <<<"$segmentHeaders" || continue
# Jump file if patchelf is unable to parse it
# Some programs contain binary blobs for testing,
# which are identified as ELF but fail to be parsed by patchelf
patchelf "$file" || continue
autoPatchelfFile "$file"
done < <(find "$@" ${norecurse:+-maxdepth 1} -type f -print0)
# fail if any dependencies were not found and
# autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps is not set
local depsMissing=0
for failedDep in "${!autoPatchelfFailedDeps[@]}"; do
echo "autoPatchelfHook could not satisfy dependency $failedDep wanted by ${autoPatchelfFailedDeps[$failedDep]}"
# shellcheck disable=SC2154
# (autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps is referenced but not assigned.)
if [[ $depsMissing == 1 && -z "$autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps" ]]; then
echo "Add the missing dependencies to the build inputs or set autoPatchelfIgnoreMissingDeps=true"
exit 1
# XXX: This should ultimately use fixupOutputHooks but we currently don't have
# a way to enforce the order. If we have $runtimeDependencies set, the setup
# hook of patchelf is going to ruin everything and strip out those additional
# So what we do here is basically run in postFixup and emulate the same
# behaviour as fixupOutputHooks because the setup hook for patchelf is run in
# fixupOutput and the postFixup hook runs later.
# shellcheck disable=SC2016
# (Expressions don't expand in single quotes, use double quotes for that.)
if [ -z "${dontAutoPatchelf-}" ]; then
autoPatchelf -- $(for output in $outputs; do
[ -e "${!output}" ] || continue
echo "${!output}"