{ config, lib, options, pkgs, ... }: with lib; let cfg = config.services.rippled; opt = options.services.rippled; b2i = val: if val then "1" else "0"; dbCfg = db: '' type=${db.type} path=${db.path} ${optionalString (db.compression != null) ("compression=${b2i db.compression}") } ${optionalString (db.onlineDelete != null) ("online_delete=${toString db.onlineDelete}")} ${optionalString (db.advisoryDelete != null) ("advisory_delete=${b2i db.advisoryDelete}")} ${db.extraOpts} ''; rippledCfg = '' [server] ${concatMapStringsSep "\n" (n: "port_${n}") (attrNames cfg.ports)} ${concatMapStrings (p: '' [port_${p.name}] ip=${p.ip} port=${toString p.port} protocol=${concatStringsSep "," p.protocol} ${optionalString (p.user != "") "user=${p.user}"} ${optionalString (p.password != "") "user=${p.password}"} admin=${concatStringsSep "," p.admin} ${optionalString (p.ssl.key != null) "ssl_key=${p.ssl.key}"} ${optionalString (p.ssl.cert != null) "ssl_cert=${p.ssl.cert}"} ${optionalString (p.ssl.chain != null) "ssl_chain=${p.ssl.chain}"} '') (attrValues cfg.ports)} [database_path] ${cfg.databasePath} [node_db] ${dbCfg cfg.nodeDb} ${optionalString (cfg.tempDb != null) '' [temp_db] ${dbCfg cfg.tempDb}''} ${optionalString (cfg.importDb != null) '' [import_db] ${dbCfg cfg.importDb}''} [ips] ${concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.ips} [ips_fixed] ${concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.ipsFixed} [validators] ${concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.validators} [node_size] ${cfg.nodeSize} [ledger_history] ${toString cfg.ledgerHistory} [fetch_depth] ${toString cfg.fetchDepth} [validation_quorum] ${toString cfg.validationQuorum} [sntp_servers] ${concatStringsSep "\n" cfg.sntpServers} ${optionalString cfg.statsd.enable '' [insight] server=statsd address=${cfg.statsd.address} prefix=${cfg.statsd.prefix} ''} [rpc_startup] { "command": "log_level", "severity": "${cfg.logLevel}" } '' + cfg.extraConfig; portOptions = { name, ...}: { options = { name = mkOption { internal = true; default = name; }; ip = mkOption { default = ""; description = lib.mdDoc "Ip where rippled listens."; type = types.str; }; port = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Port where rippled listens."; type = types.int; }; protocol = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Protocols expose by rippled."; type = types.listOf (types.enum ["http" "https" "ws" "wss" "peer"]); }; user = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "When set, these credentials will be required on HTTP/S requests."; type = types.str; default = ""; }; password = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "When set, these credentials will be required on HTTP/S requests."; type = types.str; default = ""; }; admin = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "A comma-separated list of admin IP addresses."; type = types.listOf types.str; default = [""]; }; ssl = { key = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' Specifies the filename holding the SSL key in PEM format. ''; default = null; type = types.nullOr types.path; }; cert = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' Specifies the path to the SSL certificate file in PEM format. This is not needed if the chain includes it. ''; default = null; type = types.nullOr types.path; }; chain = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' If you need a certificate chain, specify the path to the certificate chain here. The chain may include the end certificate. ''; default = null; type = types.nullOr types.path; }; }; }; }; dbOptions = { options = { type = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Rippled database type."; type = types.enum ["rocksdb" "nudb"]; default = "rocksdb"; }; path = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Location to store the database."; type = types.path; default = cfg.databasePath; defaultText = literalExpression "config.${opt.databasePath}"; }; compression = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Whether to enable snappy compression."; type = types.nullOr types.bool; default = null; }; onlineDelete = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Enable automatic purging of older ledger information."; type = types.nullOr (types.addCheck types.int (v: v > 256)); default = cfg.ledgerHistory; defaultText = literalExpression "config.${opt.ledgerHistory}"; }; advisoryDelete = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' If set, then require administrative RPC call "can_delete" to enable online deletion of ledger records. ''; type = types.nullOr types.bool; default = null; }; extraOpts = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Extra database options."; type = types.lines; default = ""; }; }; }; in { ###### interface options = { services.rippled = { enable = mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "rippled"); package = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Which rippled package to use."; type = types.package; default = pkgs.rippled; defaultText = literalExpression "pkgs.rippled"; }; ports = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Ports exposed by rippled"; type = with types; attrsOf (submodule portOptions); default = { rpc = { port = 5005; admin = [""]; protocol = ["http"]; }; peer = { port = 51235; ip = ""; protocol = ["peer"]; }; ws_public = { port = 5006; ip = ""; protocol = ["ws" "wss"]; }; }; }; nodeDb = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Rippled main database options."; type = with types; nullOr (submodule dbOptions); default = { type = "rocksdb"; extraOpts = '' open_files=2000 filter_bits=12 cache_mb=256 file_size_pb=8 file_size_mult=2; ''; }; }; tempDb = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Rippled temporary database options."; type = with types; nullOr (submodule dbOptions); default = null; }; importDb = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Settings for performing a one-time import."; type = with types; nullOr (submodule dbOptions); default = null; }; nodeSize = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' Rippled size of the node you are running. "tiny", "small", "medium", "large", and "huge" ''; type = types.enum ["tiny" "small" "medium" "large" "huge"]; default = "small"; }; ips = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' List of hostnames or ips where the Ripple protocol is served. For a starter list, you can either copy entries from: https://ripple.com/ripple.txt or if you prefer you can let it default to r.ripple.com 51235 A port may optionally be specified after adding a space to the address. By convention, if known, IPs are listed in from most to least trusted. ''; type = types.listOf types.str; default = ["r.ripple.com 51235"]; }; ipsFixed = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' List of IP addresses or hostnames to which rippled should always attempt to maintain peer connections with. This is useful for manually forming private networks, for example to configure a validation server that connects to the Ripple network through a public-facing server, or for building a set of cluster peers. A port may optionally be specified after adding a space to the address ''; type = types.listOf types.str; default = []; }; validators = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' List of nodes to always accept as validators. Nodes are specified by domain or public key. ''; type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ "n949f75evCHwgyP4fPVgaHqNHxUVN15PsJEZ3B3HnXPcPjcZAoy7 RL1" "n9MD5h24qrQqiyBC8aeqqCWvpiBiYQ3jxSr91uiDvmrkyHRdYLUj RL2" "n9L81uNCaPgtUJfaHh89gmdvXKAmSt5Gdsw2g1iPWaPkAHW5Nm4C RL3" "n9KiYM9CgngLvtRCQHZwgC2gjpdaZcCcbt3VboxiNFcKuwFVujzS RL4" "n9LdgEtkmGB9E2h3K4Vp7iGUaKuq23Zr32ehxiU8FWY7xoxbWTSA RL5" ]; }; databasePath = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' Path to the ripple database. ''; type = types.path; default = "/var/lib/rippled"; }; validationQuorum = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' The minimum number of trusted validations a ledger must have before the server considers it fully validated. ''; type = types.int; default = 3; }; ledgerHistory = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' The number of past ledgers to acquire on server startup and the minimum to maintain while running. ''; type = types.either types.int (types.enum ["full"]); default = 1296000; # 1 month }; fetchDepth = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' The number of past ledgers to serve to other peers that request historical ledger data (or "full" for no limit). ''; type = types.either types.int (types.enum ["full"]); default = "full"; }; sntpServers = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc '' IP address or domain of NTP servers to use for time synchronization.; ''; type = types.listOf types.str; default = [ "time.windows.com" "time.apple.com" "time.nist.gov" "pool.ntp.org" ]; }; logLevel = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "Logging verbosity."; type = types.enum ["debug" "error" "info"]; default = "error"; }; statsd = { enable = mkEnableOption (lib.mdDoc "statsd monitoring for rippled"); address = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "The UDP address and port of the listening StatsD server."; default = ""; type = types.str; }; prefix = mkOption { description = lib.mdDoc "A string prepended to each collected metric."; default = ""; type = types.str; }; }; extraConfig = mkOption { default = ""; type = types.lines; description = lib.mdDoc '' Extra lines to be added verbatim to the rippled.cfg configuration file. ''; }; config = mkOption { internal = true; default = pkgs.writeText "rippled.conf" rippledCfg; defaultText = literalMD "generated config file"; }; }; }; ###### implementation config = mkIf cfg.enable { users.users.rippled = { description = "Ripple server user"; isSystemUser = true; group = "rippled"; home = cfg.databasePath; createHome = true; }; users.groups.rippled = {}; systemd.services.rippled = { after = [ "network.target" ]; wantedBy = [ "multi-user.target" ]; serviceConfig = { ExecStart = "${cfg.package}/bin/rippled --fg --conf ${cfg.config}"; User = "rippled"; Restart = "on-failure"; LimitNOFILE=10000; }; }; environment.systemPackages = [ cfg.package ]; }; }