{pkgs, config, ...}: ###### interface let inherit (pkgs.lib) mkOption mkIf; options = { i18n = { defaultLocale = mkOption { default = "en_US.UTF-8"; example = "nl_NL.UTF-8"; description = " The default locale. It determines the language for program messages, the format for dates and times, sort order, and so on. It also determines the character set, such as UTF-8. "; }; consoleFont = mkOption { default = "lat9w-16"; example = "LatArCyrHeb-16"; description = " The font used for the virtual consoles. Leave empty to use whatever the setfont program considers the default font. "; }; consoleKeyMap = mkOption { default = "us"; example = "fr"; description = " The keyboard mapping table for the virtual consoles. "; }; }; }; in ###### implementation { require = [ options ]; }