{ nixos ? ./.. , nixpkgs ? ../../nixpkgs , services ? ../../services , system ? builtins.currentSystem }: with import ../lib/build-vms.nix { inherit nixos nixpkgs services system; }; let # Build some packages with coverage instrumentation. overrides = pkgs: with pkgs.stdenvAdapters; let do = pkg: pkg.override (args: { stdenv = addCoverageInstrumentation args.stdenv; }); in rec { apr = do pkgs.apr; aprutil = do pkgs.aprutil; apacheHttpd = do pkgs.apacheHttpd; mod_python = do pkgs.mod_python; subversion = do pkgs.subversion; # To build the kernel with coverage instrumentation, we need a # special patch to make coverage data available under /proc. kernel = pkgs.kernel.override (orig: { stdenv = cleanupBuildTree (keepBuildTree orig.stdenv); extraConfig = '' GCOV_KERNEL y GCOV_PROFILE_ALL y ''; }); }; in rec { nodes = { webserver = { config, pkgs, ... }: { services.httpd.enable = true; services.httpd.adminAddr = "e.dolstra@tudelft.nl"; services.httpd.extraSubservices = [ { serviceType = "subversion"; urlPrefix = ""; dataDir = "/data/subversion"; userCreationDomain = ""; } ]; nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = overrides; }; client = { config, pkgs, ... }: { environment.systemPackages = [ pkgs.subversion ]; nixpkgs.config.packageOverrides = overrides; }; }; vms = buildVirtualNetwork { inherit nodes; }; test = runTests vms '' startAll; $webserver->waitForOpenPort(80); my $out = $client->mustSucceed("svn --version"); print STDERR "GOT: $out"; my $out = $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail http://webserver/"); print STDERR "GOT: $out"; # Create a new user through the web interface. $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail -F username=alice -F fullname='Alice Lastname' -F address=alice\@example.org -F password=foobar -F password_again=foobar http://webserver/repoman/adduser"); # Let Alice create a new repository. $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail -u alice:foobar --form repo=xyzzy --form description=Xyzzy http://webserver/repoman/create"); $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail http://webserver/") =~ /alice/ or die; # Let Alice do a checkout. my $svnFlags = "--non-interactive --username alice --password foobar"; $client->mustSucceed("svn co $svnFlags http://webserver/repos/xyzzy wc"); $client->mustSucceed("echo hello > wc/world"); $client->mustSucceed("svn add wc/world"); $client->mustSucceed("svn ci $svnFlags -m 'Added world.' wc/world"); # Create a new user on the server through the create-user.pl script. $webserver->execute("svn-server-create-user.pl bob bob\@example.org Bob"); $webserver->mustSucceed("svn-server-resetpw.pl bob fnord"); $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail http://webserver/") =~ /bob/ or die; # Bob should not have access to the repo. my $svnFlagsBob = "--non-interactive --username bob --password fnord"; $client->mustFail("svn co $svnFlagsBob http://webserver/repos/xyzzy wc2"); # Bob should not be able change the ACLs of the repo. # !!! Repoman should really return a 403 here. $client->execute("curl --fail -u bob:fnord -F description=Xyzzy -F readers=alice,bob -F writers=alice -F watchers= -F tardirs= http://webserver/repoman/update/xyzzy") =~ /not authorised/ or die; # Give Bob access. $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail -u alice:foobar -F description=Xyzzy -F readers=alice,bob -F writers=alice -F watchers= -F tardirs= http://webserver/repoman/update/xyzzy"); # So now his checkout should succeed. $client->mustSucceed("svn co $svnFlagsBob http://webserver/repos/xyzzy wc2"); # Test ViewVC and WebSVN $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail -u alice:foobar http://webserver/viewvc/xyzzy"); $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail -u alice:foobar http://webserver/websvn/xyzzy"); $client->mustSucceed("curl --fail -u alice:foobar http://webserver/repos-xml/xyzzy"); # Stop Apache to gather all the coverage data. $webserver->stopJob("httpd"); $webserver->execute("sleep 10"); # !!! ''; report = makeReport test; }