import argparse import json import requests import sys def version_to_list(version): return list(map(int, version.split('.'))) def odd_unstable(version_str, selected): version = version_to_list(version_str) if len(version) < 2: return True even = version[1] % 2 == 0 if selected == 'stable': return even else: return not even def no_policy(version, selected): return True version_policies = { 'odd-unstable': odd_unstable, 'none': no_policy, } def make_version_policy(version_predicate, selected): return lambda version: version_predicate(version, selected) parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Find latest version for a GNOME package by crawling their release server.') parser.add_argument('package-name', help='Name of the directory in containing the package.') parser.add_argument('version-policy', help='Policy determining which versions are considered stable. For most GNOME packages, odd minor versions are unstable but there are exceptions.', choices=version_policies.keys(), nargs='?', default='odd-unstable') parser.add_argument('requested-release', help='Most of the time, we will want to update to stable version but sometimes it is useful to test.', choices=['stable', 'unstable'], nargs='?', default='stable') if __name__ == '__main__': args = parser.parse_args() package_name = getattr(args, 'package-name') requested_release = getattr(args, 'requested-release') version_predicate = version_policies[getattr(args, 'version-policy')] version_policy = make_version_policy(version_predicate, requested_release) # The structure of cache.json: cache = json.loads(requests.get('{}/cache.json'.format(package_name)).text) if type(cache) != list or cache[0] != 4: print('Unknown format of cache.json file.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) versions = cache[2][package_name] versions = sorted(filter(version_policy, versions), key=version_to_list) if len(versions) == 0: print('No versions matched.', file=sys.stderr) sys.exit(1) print(versions[-1])