* polychromatic: init at unstable-2020-03-10
use dev-1.0.0 branch
* polychromatic: use webkitgtk instead of webkit (package-list-no-aliases)
* polychromatic: use python3Packages.callPackage instead of callPackage
* polychromatic: add meta
* polychromatic: add usbutils to propagatedBuildInputs
polychromatic-tray-applet needs to be wrapped with lsusub from usbutils
* polychromatic: use pkgs.meson, not python3Packages.meson
* bump to 0.7.0
* rebase on master (python3.7 -> python3.9)
* ensure expression compiles at a minimum
* polychromatic: bump to 0.7.2; fix build
* 0.7.0 -> 0.7.2
* add `qtWrapperArgs` to `makeWrapperArgs`
* format with `nixpkgs-fmt`
* call `scripts/build-styles.sh` during `postPatch`
* patch `sassc` and `sass` references to point directly to binary from
`sassc` input
* polychromatic: remove `pkgconfig` from imports
* polychromatic: remove trailing whitespace
* polychromatic: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
* Apply various suggestions
* `xorg.libxcb` -> `libxcb`: `libxcb` can now be referenced directly
* Move various script patching functions from `postPatch` to
* `nativePropagatedBuildInputs` -> `propagatedNativeBuildInputs`
* Ensure expression is not modified by `nixpkgs-fmt`
* Apply recommended changes
* Move `nativeBuildInputs` before `propagatedNativeBuildInputs`
* Move all scripts but `scripts/build-styles.sh` back to `postPatch` phase
* Remove explicit `meson`, `wrapGAppsHook` imports from top-level
package attribute
Without the change build fails on upstream gcc-10 as:
ld: galculator-config_file.o:src/config_file.c:42:
multiple definition of `prefs'; galculator-main.o:src/main.c:52: first defined here
Using Qt *and* GTK means both wrapper hooks kick in, so avoid automatic
GTK wrapping and merge arguments into Qt ones as usual.
Duplicate wrapping must be avoided as it breaks the program's basename,
e.g. `argv[0]` ends up with ".keepassxc-wrapped" rather than
"keepassxc" as basename.
This fixes all three ELF executables (there is `-cli` and `-proxy`).