the default hasn't been changed since 2009
this can improve our test performances
nixos/tests: remove explicit memorySize <1024
1024MiB is now the default
This module allows root autoLogin, so we would break that for users, but
they shouldn't be using it anyways. This gives the impression like auto
is some special display manager, when it's just lightdm and special pam
rules to allow root autoLogin. It was created for NixOS's testing
so I believe this is where it belongs.
Default getfacl behavior is to remove leading slash on absolute
paths in its header printed to stdout.
Before the header it will also print a message about it...
Switches -p -or --absolute-names can turn this off
and remove some noise from our tests logs.
You can now run a test in the nixos/tests directory directly using
nix-build, e.g.
$ nix-build '<nixos/tests/login.nix>' -A test
This gets rid of having to add the test to nixos/tests/default.nix.
(Of course, you still need to add it to nixos/release.nix if you want
Hydra to run the test.)