I'm a little confused as to why this buils and runs on darwin, but fails to
build without it on linux. The error was:
```go/src/github.com/gxed/eventfd/eventfd.go:17:2: cannot find package "github.com/gxed/GoEndian" in any of:```
"if platforms is not set it will default to go.meta.platforms which is probably
what you want" And that does sound like what we want. Also, the linux build was
complaining about eventfd, or the lack thereof.
More housecleaning, also as per @Mic92. He's right, as it says in the manual, to
use fetchFromGithub instead of fetchgit
> Best: Fetches a snapshot archive and you get the rev you want.
Holochain is a platform for creating an unenclosable carrier upon which
highly-scalable dApps and smart contracts can be built. This is the holochain
team's initial implimentation in go. A rust version is under development.