* polychromatic: init at unstable-2020-03-10
use dev-1.0.0 branch
* polychromatic: use webkitgtk instead of webkit (package-list-no-aliases)
* polychromatic: use python3Packages.callPackage instead of callPackage
* polychromatic: add meta
* polychromatic: add usbutils to propagatedBuildInputs
polychromatic-tray-applet needs to be wrapped with lsusub from usbutils
* polychromatic: use pkgs.meson, not python3Packages.meson
* bump to 0.7.0
* rebase on master (python3.7 -> python3.9)
* ensure expression compiles at a minimum
* polychromatic: bump to 0.7.2; fix build
* 0.7.0 -> 0.7.2
* add `qtWrapperArgs` to `makeWrapperArgs`
* format with `nixpkgs-fmt`
* call `scripts/build-styles.sh` during `postPatch`
* patch `sassc` and `sass` references to point directly to binary from
`sassc` input
* polychromatic: remove `pkgconfig` from imports
* polychromatic: remove trailing whitespace
* polychromatic: 0.7.2 -> 0.7.3
* Apply various suggestions
* `xorg.libxcb` -> `libxcb`: `libxcb` can now be referenced directly
* Move various script patching functions from `postPatch` to
* `nativePropagatedBuildInputs` -> `propagatedNativeBuildInputs`
* Ensure expression is not modified by `nixpkgs-fmt`
* Apply recommended changes
* Move `nativeBuildInputs` before `propagatedNativeBuildInputs`
* Move all scripts but `scripts/build-styles.sh` back to `postPatch` phase
* Remove explicit `meson`, `wrapGAppsHook` imports from top-level
package attribute