Jake Hillion 81bafa0823
All checks were successful
continuous-integration/drone/push Build is passing
gendry: enable btrfs zstd compression
2022-11-27 17:53:16 +00:00

70 lines
2.2 KiB

{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }:
config.system.stateVersion = "22.05";
config.networking.hostName = "gendry";
config.networking.domain = "";
imports = [
config.boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true;
config.boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true;
## Tailscale
config.age.secrets."tailscale/".file = ../../secrets/tailscale/;
config.tailscalePreAuth = config.age.secrets."tailscale/".path;
## Password (for interactive logins)
config.age.secrets."passwords/".file = ../../secrets/passwords/;
config.users.users."jake".passwordFile = config.age.secrets."passwords/".path; = lib.mkForce true;
## Enable btrfs compression
config.fileSystems."/data".options = [ "compress=zstd" ];
config.fileSystems."/nix".options = [ "compress=zstd" ];
## Persist files (due to tmpfs root)
### Set root tmpfs to 0755
config.fileSystems."/".options = [ "mode=0755" ];
### Require data at boot (to have access to host keys for agenix)
config.fileSystems."/data".neededForBoot = true;
### OpenSSH Host Keys (SSH + agenix secrets) = {
hostKeys = [
path = "/data/system/etc/ssh/ssh_host_ed25519_key";
type = "ed25519";
path = "/data/system/etc/ssh/ssh_host_rsa_key";
type = "rsa";
bits = 4096;
### Persistent directory symlinks
config.systemd.tmpfiles.rules = [
#### Persistent home subdirectories
"L /root/local - - - - /data/users/root"
"L /home/jake/local - - - - /data/users/jake"
### Persistent /etc/nixos
config.fileSystems."/etc/nixos" = {
device = "/data/users/root/repos/nixos";
options = [ "bind" ];
### Persistent zsh history
config.programs.zsh.histFile = lib.mkForce "$HOME/local/.zsh_history";