{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: { imports = [ ./hardware-configuration.nix ]; config = { system.stateVersion = "22.11"; networking.hostName = "tywin"; networking.domain = "storage.ts.hillion.co.uk"; networking.hostId = "2a9b6df5"; boot.loader.systemd-boot.enable = true; boot.loader.efi.canTouchEfiVariables = true; custom.locations.autoServe = true; custom.defaults = true; ## Tailscale age.secrets."tailscale/tywin.storage.ts.hillion.co.uk".file = ../../secrets/tailscale/tywin.storage.ts.hillion.co.uk.age; services.tailscale = { enable = true; authKeyFile = config.age.secrets."tailscale/tywin.storage.ts.hillion.co.uk".path; }; ## Filesystems fileSystems."/".options = [ "compress=zstd" ]; boot.supportedFilesystems = [ "zfs" ]; boot.zfs = { forceImportRoot = false; extraPools = [ "data" ]; }; boot.kernelParams = [ "zfs.zfs_arc_max=25769803776" ]; services.zfs.autoScrub = { enable = true; interval = "Tue, 02:00"; }; ## Backups ### Git age.secrets."git/git_backups_ecdsa".file = ../../secrets/git/git_backups_ecdsa.age; age.secrets."git/git_backups_remotes".file = ../../secrets/git/git_backups_remotes.age; custom.backups.git = { enable = true; sshKey = config.age.secrets."git/git_backups_ecdsa".path; reposFile = config.age.secrets."git/git_backups_remotes".path; repos = [ "https://gitea.hillion.co.uk/JakeHillion/nixos.git" ]; }; ## Resilio custom.resilio.enable = true; services.resilio.deviceName = "tywin.storage"; services.resilio.directoryRoot = "/data/users/jake/sync"; services.resilio.storagePath = "/data/users/jake/sync/.sync"; custom.resilio.folders = let folderNames = [ "dad" "joseph" "projects" "resources" "sync" ]; mkFolder = name: { name = name; secret = { name = "resilio/plain/${name}"; file = ../../secrets/resilio/plain/${name}.age; }; }; in builtins.map (mkFolder) folderNames; age.secrets."resilio/restic/128G.key" = { file = ../../secrets/restic/128G.age; owner = "rslsync"; group = "rslsync"; }; services.restic.backups."sync" = { repository = "rest:http://restic.tywin.storage.ts.hillion.co.uk/128G"; user = "rslsync"; passwordFile = config.age.secrets."resilio/restic/128G.key".path; timerConfig = { Persistent = true; OnUnitInactiveSec = "15m"; RandomizedDelaySec = "5m"; }; paths = [ "/data/users/jake/sync" ]; exclude = [ "/data/users/jake/sync/.sync" "/data/users/jake/sync/*/.sync" "/data/users/jake/sync/resources/media/films" "/data/users/jake/sync/resources/media/iso" "/data/users/jake/sync/resources/media/tv" "/data/users/jake/sync/dad/media" ]; }; ## Restic age.secrets."restic/128G.key" = { file = ../../secrets/restic/128G.age; owner = "restic"; group = "restic"; }; age.secrets."restic/1.6T.key" = { file = ../../secrets/restic/1.6T.age; owner = "restic"; group = "restic"; }; services.restic.server = { enable = true; appendOnly = true; extraFlags = [ "--no-auth" ]; dataDir = "/data/backups/restic"; listenAddress = ""; # TODO: can this be a Unix socket? }; services.caddy = { enable = true; virtualHosts."http://restic.tywin.storage.ts.hillion.co.uk".extraConfig = '' bind ${config.custom.dns.tailscale.ipv4} ${config.custom.dns.tailscale.ipv6} reverse_proxy http://localhost:8000 ''; }; ### HACK: Allow Caddy to restart if it fails. This happens because Tailscale ### is too late at starting. Upstream nixos caddy does restart on failure ### but it's prevented on exit code 1. Set the exit code to 0 (non-failure) ### to override this. systemd.services.caddy = { requires = [ "tailscaled.service" ]; after = [ "tailscaled.service" ]; serviceConfig = { RestartPreventExitStatus = lib.mkForce 0; }; }; services.restic.backups."prune-128G" = { repository = "/data/backups/restic/128G"; user = "restic"; passwordFile = config.age.secrets."restic/128G.key".path; timerConfig = { Persistent = true; OnCalendar = "02:30"; RandomizedDelaySec = "1h"; }; pruneOpts = [ "--keep-last 48" "--keep-within-hourly 7d" "--keep-within-daily 1m" "--keep-within-weekly 6m" "--keep-within-monthly 24m" ]; }; services.restic.backups."prune-1.6T" = { repository = "/data/backups/restic/1.6T"; user = "restic"; passwordFile = config.age.secrets."restic/1.6T.key".path; timerConfig = { Persistent = true; OnCalendar = "Wed, 02:30"; RandomizedDelaySec = "4h"; }; pruneOpts = [ "--keep-within-daily 14d" "--keep-within-weekly 2m" "--keep-within-monthly 18m" ]; }; ## Chia age.secrets."chia/farmer.key" = { file = ../../secrets/chia/farmer.key.age; owner = "chia"; group = "chia"; }; custom.chia = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; keyFile = config.age.secrets."chia/farmer.key".path; plotDirectories = builtins.genList (i: "/mnt/d${toString i}/plots/contract-k32") 7; }; ## Downloads custom.services.downloads = { metadataPath = "/data/downloads/metadata"; downloadCachePath = "/data/downloads/torrents"; filmsPath = "/data/media/films"; tvPath = "/data/media/tv"; }; ## Plex users.users.plex.extraGroups = [ "mediaaccess" ]; services.plex = { enable = true; openFirewall = true; }; ## Networking networking.nameservers = lib.mkForce [ ]; # Trust the DHCP nameservers networking.firewall.interfaces."tailscale0".allowedTCPPorts = [ 80 # Caddy (restic.tywin.storage.ts.) ]; }; }