{ config, pkgs, lib, ... }: let cfg = config.custom.services.homeassistant; in { options.custom.services.homeassistant = { enable = lib.mkEnableOption "homeassistant"; backup = lib.mkOption { default = true; type = lib.types.bool; }; }; config = lib.mkIf cfg.enable { custom = { backups.homeassistant.enable = cfg.backup; }; age.secrets."homeassistant/secrets.yaml" = { file = ../../secrets/homeassistant/secrets.yaml.age; path = "${config.services.home-assistant.configDir}/secrets.yaml"; owner = "hass"; group = "hass"; }; services = { postgresql = { enable = true; initialScript = pkgs.writeText "homeassistant-init.sql" '' CREATE ROLE "hass" WITH LOGIN; CREATE DATABASE "homeassistant" WITH OWNER "hass" ENCODING "utf8"; ''; }; home-assistant = { enable = true; extraPackages = python3Packages: with python3Packages; [ psycopg2 # postgresql support ]; extraComponents = [ "bluetooth" "default_config" "esphome" "flux" "google_assistant" "homekit" "met" "mobile_app" "mqtt" "otp" "sun" "switchbot" ]; config = { default_config = { }; recorder = { db_url = "postgresql://@/homeassistant"; }; http = { use_x_forwarded_for = true; trusted_proxies = with config.custom.dns.authoritative; [ ipv4.uk.co.hillion.ts.cx.jorah ipv6.uk.co.hillion.ts.cx.jorah ]; }; google_assistant = { project_id = "homeassistant-8de41"; service_account = { client_email = "!secret google_assistant_service_account_client_email"; private_key = "!secret google_assistant_service_account_private_key"; }; report_state = true; expose_by_default = true; exposed_domains = [ "light" ]; }; homekit = [{ filter = { include_domains = [ "light" ]; }; }]; bluetooth = { }; switch = [ { platform = "flux"; start_time = "07:00"; stop_time = "23:59"; mode = "mired"; disable_brightness_adjust = true; lights = [ "light.bedroom_lamp" "light.bedroom_light" "light.cubby_light" "light.desk_lamp" "light.hallway_light" "light.living_room_lamp" "light.living_room_light" "light.wardrobe_light" ]; } ]; light = [ { platform = "template"; lights = { bathroom_light = { unique_id = "87a4cbb5-e5a7-44fd-9f28-fec2d6a62538"; value_template = "on"; turn_on = { service = "script.noop"; }; turn_off = { service = "switch.turn_on"; entity_id = "switch.bathroom_light"; }; }; }; } ]; sensor = [ { # Time/Date (for automations) platform = "time_date"; display_options = [ "date" "date_time_iso" ]; } { # Living Room Temperature platform = "statistics"; name = "Living Room temperature (rolling average)"; entity_id = "sensor.living_room_environment_sensor_temperature"; state_characteristic = "average_linear"; unique_id = "e86198a8-88f4-4822-95cb-3ec7b2662395"; max_age = { minutes = 5; }; } ]; # UI managed expansions automation = "!include automations.yaml"; script = "!include scripts.yaml"; scene = "!include scenes.yaml"; }; }; }; }; }