mirror of
synced 2024-12-03 18:47:10 +00:00
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176 lines
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\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
% The Tableau20 colours
[ every node/.style={font=\small}
, layer/.style= {rectangle, draw=black!50, thick, minimum width=\layerwidth , minimum height=\layerheight}
, halflayer/.style={rectangle, draw=black!50, thick, minimum width=\halflayerwidth, minimum height=\layerheight}
, inner/.style= {rectangle, draw=black!50, thick, minimum width=\innerwidth , minimum height=\layerheight}
, halfinner/.style={rectangle, draw=black!50, thick, minimum width=\halfinnerwidth, minimum height=\layerheight}
, red/.style={fill=TabPurple!40}
, orange/.style={fill=TabBlue!40}
, yellow/.style={fill=TabCyan!40}
, green/.style={fill=TabLightGreen!60}
, node distance = 0cm
, arrow={->,>=stealth}
% conventional syslogd
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=syslogd]
\node[layer] (syslogd-root) {Root privilege};
% hack to get the spacing right
\coordinate (std-spaced_app1) at ($ (syslogd-root.south)+(0,-\inner) $);
\node[layer, orange, below = 2mm of syslogd-root] (syslogd-app) {syslogd.c};
\node[layer, fill=white, below = 2*\layer of syslogd-app] (syslogd-untrusted) {Untrusted user data};
% Lines down the left
\coordinate (std-lline) at ($ (syslogd-app) + (-1.15,0) $);
\draw[->] (std-lline |- 0, 0 |- syslogd-root.south) -- (std-lline |- 0, 0 |- syslogd-app.north);
% Lines down the right
\coordinate (std-rline) at ($ (syslogd-app) + (1.15,0) $);
\draw[->] (std-rline |- 0, 0 |- syslogd-app.north) -- (std-rline |- 0, 0 |- syslogd-root.south);
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=syslogd-kernel]
\fill[gray!15] ($ (syslogd-untrusted.north west) + (-\layer,\layer) $) rectangle ($ (syslogd-untrusted.south east) + (\layer, -\layer) $);
\draw[-, gray, dashed] (syslogd-kernel.north west) -- (syslogd-kernel.north east);
\node[layer, fill=white, below = 2*\layer of syslogd-app] (syslogd-untrusted) {Untrusted user data};
\draw[->] (std-lline |- 0, 0 |- syslogd-app.south) -- (std-lline |- 0, 0 |- syslogd-untrusted.north);
\draw[<-] (std-rline |- 0, 0 |- syslogd-app.south) -- (std-rline |- 0, 0 |- syslogd-untrusted.north);
\coordinate (syslogd-nw) at ($ (syslogd.north west) + (-\inner, \inner + \titlepad) $);
\coordinate (syslogd-ne) at ($ (syslogd.north east) + ( \inner, \inner + \titlepad) $);
\coordinate (syslogd-sw) at ($ (syslogd.south west) + (-\inner,-\inner) $);
\coordinate (syslogd-se) at ($ (syslogd.south east) + ( \inner,-\inner) $);
\draw[draw, thick] (syslogd-nw) rectangle (syslogd-se);
\node[rectangle, fill=white] at ($(syslogd-nw)!0.5!(syslogd-ne)$) (syslogd_label) {\normalsize\textbf{Conventional syslogd}};
% privsep syslogd
% -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=client]
% \coordinate[right=5cm of syslogd-] (client_center)
\node[layer, below = 3cm of syslogd] (privsep-syslogd-root) {Root privilege};
% hack to get the spacing right
\coordinate (spaced_app1) at ($ (privsep-syslogd-root.south)+(0,-\inner) $);
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=privsep-syslogd-app]
\node[inner, red, below = \layer of spaced_app1, yshift=-0.2cm] (rpc1) {privsep.c};
\node[inner, orange, below = 10mm of rpc1] (rpc2) {syslogd.c};
\coordinate (rpc1-nw) at ($ (privsep-syslogd-app.north west) + (-0.3, 0.3 + \titlepad) $);
\coordinate (rpc1-ne) at ($ (privsep-syslogd-app.north east) + ( 0.3, 0.3 + \titlepad) $);
\coordinate (rpc1-sw) at ($ (privsep-syslogd-app.south west) + (-0.3,-0.3) $);
\coordinate (rpc1-se) at ($ (privsep-syslogd-app.south east) + ( 0.3,-0.3) $);
\draw[draw,thick,dotted] (rpc1-nw) rectangle (rpc1-se);
\coordinate (rpc-bottom) at ($(privsep-syslogd-app.south west)!0.5!(privsep-syslogd-app.south east) + (0, -0.3)$);
\node[layer, fill=white, below = 3*\layer of privsep-syslogd-app] (privsep-syslogd-untrusted) {Untrusted user data};
% Lines down the left
\coordinate (lline) at ($ (privsep-syslogd-app) + (-1.15,0) $);
\draw[->] (lline |- 0, 0 |- privsep-syslogd-root.south) -- (lline |- 0, 0 |- rpc1.north);
\draw[->] (lline |- 0, 0 |- rpc1.south) -- node[left, text width = 1cm, align = center]
{\normalsize\emph{open files}} (lline |- 0, 0 |- rpc2.north);
% Lines down the right
\coordinate (rline) at ($ (privsep-syslogd-app) + (1.15,0) $);
\draw[->] (rline |- 0, 0 |- rpc1.north) -- (rline |- 0, 0 |- privsep-syslogd-root.south);
%\draw[->] (rline |- 0, 0 |- rpc2.north) -- (rline |- 0, 0 |- rpc1.south);
\draw[->] (rline |- 0, 0 |- rpc2.north) -- node[right, text width = 1cm, align = center]
{\normalsize\emph{RPCs}} (rline |- 0, 0 |- rpc1.south);
\begin{scope}[on background layer, local bounding box=client-kernel]
\fill[gray!15] ($ (privsep-syslogd-untrusted.north west) + (-\layer,\layer) $) rectangle ($ (privsep-syslogd-untrusted.south east) + (\layer, -\layer) $);
\draw[-, gray, dashed] (client-kernel.north west) -- (client-kernel.north east);
\coordinate (client-nw) at ($ (client.north west) + (-\inner, \inner + \titlepad) $);
\coordinate (client-ne) at ($ (client.north east) + ( \inner, \inner + \titlepad) $);
\coordinate (client-sw) at ($ (client.south west) + (-\inner,-\inner) $);
\coordinate (client-se) at ($ (client.south east) + ( \inner,-\inner) $);
\draw[draw, thick] (client-nw) rectangle (client-se);
\node[rectangle, fill=white] at ($(client-nw)!0.5!(client-ne)$) (client_label) {\normalsize\textbf{privsep syslogd}};
\draw[->] (lline |- 0, 0 |- privsep-syslogd-app.south) -- (lline |- 0, 0 |- privsep-syslogd-untrusted.north);
\draw[<-] (rline |- 0, 0 |- privsep-syslogd-app.south) -- (rline |- 0, 0 |- privsep-syslogd-untrusted.north);
\coordinate (yheight) at ($ (syslogd-root.east) + (0, -1) $);
\coordinate (trans-arrow-l) at (syslogd-kernel.east |- 0, 0 |- yheight);
\coordinate (trans-arrow-r) at (client-kernel.west |- 0, 0 |- yheight);
%\draw[very thick, ->] ($(trans-arrow-l) + (0.5, 0)$) -- node[above, text width = 4cm, align = center, yshift=3mm]
%\draw[very thick, ->] (syslogd-kernel) -- ($ (client.north) + (0, 2*\inner) $)
\draw[very thick, ->] (syslogd-kernel.south) -- node[right, text width = 3.9cm, align = center, yshift=0.5mm]
{\normalsize\emph{Pass file descriptors \\[1mm] rather than \\[1mm] ambient privilege}} ($ (client.north) + (0, 2*\inner) $);
\end{document} |