
93 lines
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2022-05-26 17:49:58 +01:00
2022-05-27 00:12:23 +01:00
2022-05-26 17:49:58 +01:00
\tikzstyle{arrow} = [thick,->,>=stealth]
% The Tableau20 colours
\begin{tikzpicture}[ every node/.style={font=\small}
, layer/.style= {rectangle, draw=black!50, thick, minimum width=\layerwidth , minimum height=\layerheight}
, halflayer/.style={rectangle, draw=black!50, thick, minimum width=\halflayerwidth, minimum height=\layerheight}
, inner/.style= {rectangle, draw=black!50, thick, minimum width=\innerwidth , minimum height=\layerheight}
, halfinner/.style={rectangle, draw=black!50, thick, minimum width=\halfinnerwidth, minimum height=\layerheight}
, red/.style={fill=TabPurple!40}
, orange/.style={fill=TabBlue!40}
, yellow/.style={fill=TabCyan!40}
, green/.style={fill=TabLightGreen!60}
, node distance = 0cm
, arrow={->,>=stealth}
\begin{scope}[local bounding box=graph-body]
\node[layer,orange] (void-processes) {Void Processes (§\ref{sec:system-design})};
\node[circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, yellow, below = \innerspace of void-processes] (void-processes-dot) {};
\node[circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, yellow, above left=3*\layerheight and 3*\layerheight of void-processes-dot] (unikernels-dot) {};
\node[layer, above = \innerspace of unikernels-dot] (unikernels) {Unikernels};
\node[circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, yellow, below right=3*\layerheight and 2*\layerheight of void-processes-dot] (containers-dot) {};
\node[layer, above = \innerspace of containers-dot] (containers) {Containers (§\ref{sec:priv-sep-perspective})};
\node[circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, yellow, below left=5*\layerheight and 1*\layerheight of void-processes-dot] (virtual-machines-dot) {};
\node[layer, above = \innerspace of virtual-machines-dot] (virtual-machines) {Virtual Machines (§\ref{sec:priv-sep-another-machine})};
\node[circle,fill,inner sep=1.5pt, yellow, below right=5*\layerheight and 11*\layerheight of void-processes-dot] (ambient-authority-dot) {};
\node[layer, above left=\innerspace and \innerspace of ambient-authority-dot] (ambient-authority) {Ambient Authority};
\coordinate (graph-body-nw) at ($ (graph-body.north west) + (-0.3, 0.3 + \titlepad) $);
\coordinate (graph-body-ne) at ($ (graph-body.north east) + ( 0.3, 0.3 + \titlepad) $);
\coordinate (graph-body-sw) at ($ (graph-body.south west) + (-0.3,-0.3) $);
\coordinate (graph-body-se) at ($ (graph-body.south east) + ( 0.3,-0.3) $);
% Axes
\draw[->] ($ (graph-body-nw) + (0.15, 0) $) -- (graph-body-ne);
\draw[->] (graph-body-nw) -- (graph-body-sw);
% Axis labels
\node[rectangle,fill=white] at ($ (graph-body-nw)!0.5!(graph-body-ne) $) (x-axis-label) {Attack surface};
\node[rectangle,fill=white,rotate around={90:($ (graph-body-nw)!0.5!(graph-body-sw) $)}] at ($ (graph-body-nw)!0.5!(graph-body-sw) $) (y-axis-label) {Linux compatibility};