2013-11-14 18:51:42 +00:00

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# LaTeX Makefile
# --------------
# Author : s.m.vandenoord@student.utwente.nl (Stefan van den Oord)
# Date : March 18, 1999, second version of today.
# This Makefile is a generic makefile for LaTeX documents. Distribute it
# as you wish, but please don't edit or remove this initial comment.
# The Makefile can be used by setting the environment variable "MAKEFILES",
# e.g. export MAKEFILES=~/data/TeX/Makefile.
# It requires GNU Make and bash or better, like zsh. Simply sh is not
# sufficient, I believe. The first few lines of the Makefile contains
# the executables that are used, edit them to point to the executables
# on your system.
# DISCLAIMER: Using this Makefile is fully at your own risk. I am not
# responsible for anything! So if crucial files are removed
# by the Makefile, it is your own problem. But you should
# have backups anyway. :-)
# Usage
# -----
# The Makefile can do the following things for you:
# - generate PostScript equivalents of XFig figures;
# - run makeindex and BibTeX, but only if necessary;
# - compile the .dvi file, running LaTeX as many times as needed;
# - run XDvi with the compiled .dvi file;
# - create a PostScript equivalent of the .dvi file;
# - generate a HTML equivalent of the .dvi file (if Latex2HTML is
# installed);
# - remove all generated output.
# The Makefile is in some points even RCS aware.
# In many cases, you don't even have to tell the Makefile which LaTeX
# file it has to compile. The Makefile uses the following strategy:
# 1. Check if the environment variable LATEXTARGET is set; if it is,
# generate $LATEXTARGET.dvi.
# 2. If there is only one .tex file, use that one.
# 3. Check if there is a LaTeX file that has the same basename as the
# directory. For example, if the directory is named "Thesis" and
# there is a file "Thesis.tex", "Thesis.dvi" is generated.
# Invocation
# ----------
# When the MAKEFILES environment variable is set, you can use the
# following commands:
# - make latexhelp
# Prints an overview of the available commands.
# - make latexfigures
# Only generate the PostScript equivalents of XFig figures.
# - make file.dvi
# Generates the specified DVI file.
# - make file.ps
# Generates the DVI file and then runs dvips.
# - make latex
# Use the above explained strategy to find out what has to be
# generated, and generate it.
# - make view
# Do a make latex and then run XDvi.
# - make latexps
# Do a make latex and then run dvips.
# - make html
# Do a make latex and then use LaTeX2HTML to create the HTML equivalent.
# To do this, the following environment variables are used:
# * HTMLDIR : the base dir in which the output is written. For example,
# if HTMLDIR=~/public_html/LaTeX, and the file that is
# generated is "Thesis", the output will be written in the
# directory ~/public_html/LaTeX/Thesis.
# * LATEX2HTML_OPTS : if you want to pass options to LaTeX2HTML, put
# them in this variable.
# - make latexclean
# This command removes all generated output. CAUTION: the files that are
# removed are thought out pretty well, but it is possible that files are
# removed that you wanted to keep! Check below what files are removed if
# you want to be certain!
# Note that a file figure.eps is only removed if a file figure.fig exists.
# (Even if the file figure.fig exists, but is checked in using RCS, the
# file figure.eps will be removed.)
# Tip
# ---
# For some projects it is useful to have a separate Makefile in the project's
# directory. For example, when you use RCS, you could add functionality for
# automatic checkouts of the right files (adding dependencies is sufficient;
# GNU Make rocks :-).
# The command "latexclean" is declared so that you can add your own
# functionality in the project's Makefile; instead of one colon, declare it
# with two colons if you want to do that.
# For example:
# latexclean::
# rm -f foo.bar
# This way both the origional definition in this Makefile and your own are
# used.
# SHELL=/usr/local/bin/bash
DVIVIEWER=xdvi -geometry 710x950-0+10
FIGURES=$(wildcard *.fig)
TEXFILES=$(wildcard *.tex)
# Disable standard pattern rule:
%.dvi: %.tex
# Do not delete the following targets:
.PRECIOUS: %.aux %.bbl %.eps %.ind
%.aux: %.tex $(FIGUREOBJS) $(TEXFILES)
@$(LATEX) $*
# Look for citations. Make sure grep never returns an error code.
@grep "^\\\\citation" *.aux > .btmp.new || true
# If the citations are not changed, don't do anything. Otherwise replace
# the .btmp file to make sure Bibtex will be run.
@if ( diff .btmp.new .btmp >& /dev/null ); then \
rm .btmp.new; \
else \
mv .btmp.new .btmp; \
@if [ -f $*.idx ]; then cp $*.idx .itmp.new; else touch .itmp.new; fi
@if ( diff .itmp.new .itmp >& /dev/null ); then \
rm .itmp.new; \
else \
mv .itmp.new .itmp; \
%.bbl: $(BIBFILES) .btmp
# Only use BibTeX if \bibliography occurs in the document. In that case,
# run BibTeX and recompile. .btmp is touched to prevent useless making
# next time.
@if ( grep "^\\\\bibliography{" $*.tex > /dev/null ); then \
$(BIBTEX) $*; \
touch .rerun; \
@touch .btmp
%.ind: .itmp
@if [ -f $*.idx ]; then \
$(MAKEINDEX) $*; \
touch .rerun; \
touch .itmp; \
@echo Generating figure $@...
@fig2dev -L ps $< $@
%.dvi: %.aux %.ind %.bbl
# Make sure the dvi-file exists; if not: recompile.
@if [ ! -f $*.dvi ]; then \
touch .rerun; \
@if [ -f .rerun ]; then \
rm .rerun; \
$(LATEX) $*; \
else \
$(MAKE) $*.aux; \
# While references et al. are changed: recompile.
@while ( grep Rerun $*.log > /dev/null ); do \
$(LATEX) $*; \
# Touch the figureobjects to prevent making next time
@if [ -n "$(FIGUREOBJS)" ]; then \
touch $(FIGUREOBJS); \
touch $*.aux; \
@if [ -f $*.ind ]; then \
touch $*.ind; \
@$(MAKEINDEX) -s nomencl.ist -o $*.nls $*.nlo
# Below the 'true' is included to prevent unnecessarily many errors.
@if [ -n "${LATEXTARGET}" ]; then \
true; \
else \
if [ `ls *.tex | wc -l` = "1" ]; then \
$(MAKE) `basename \`ls *.tex\` .tex`.dvi; \
true; \
else \
$(MAKE) `echo $$PWD|tr '/' '\n'|tail -1`.dvi; \
true; \
fi; \
@for i in $(FIGUREOBJS); do \
$(MAKE) $$i; \
# Below the 'true' is included to prevent unnecessarily many errors.
@if [ -n "${LATEXTARGET}" ]; then \
$(MAKE) ${LATEXTARGET}.dvi && \
true; \
else \
if [ `ls *.tex | wc -l` = "1" ]; then \
$(MAKE) `basename \`ls *.tex\` .tex`.dvi && \
$(DVIVIEWER) `basename \`ls *.tex\` .tex`.dvi; \
true; \
else \
$(MAKE) `echo $$PWD|tr '/' '\n'|tail -1`.dvi && \
$(DVIVIEWER) `echo $$PWD|tr '/' '\n'|tail -1`.dvi; \
true; \
fi; \
%.ps: %.dvi
$(DVIPS) -o $*.ps $<
@$(MAKEINDEX) -s nomencl.ist -o $*.nls $*.nlo
$(DVIPS) -o $*.ps $<
%.pdf: %.tex
@$(MAKEINDEX) -s nomencl.ist -o $*.nls $*.nlo
$(BIBTEX) $*
@if [ -n "${LATEXTARGET}" ]; then \
$(MAKE) ${LATEXTARGET}.ps && \
true; \
else \
if [ `ls *.tex | wc -l` = "1" ]; then \
$(MAKE) `basename \`ls *.tex\` .tex`.ps && \
true; \
else \
$(MAKE) `echo $$PWD|tr '/' '\n'|tail -1`.ps && \
true; \
fi; \
html: .html
@if [ -n "${LATEXTARGET}" ]; then \
if [ -n "${HTMLDIR}" ]; then \
chmod a+rx $(HTMLDIR)/$(LATEXTARGET) && \
chmod a+r $(HTMLDIR)/$(LATEXTARGET)/* && \
touch .html; \
else \
echo Set variable HTMLDIR\!; \
fi; \
else \
echo Set variable LATEXTARGET\!; \
@echo "LaTeX Makefile Options"
@echo "----------------------"
@echo ""
@echo "Environment variables:"
@echo " LATEXTARGET Filename to make (without extension)"
@echo " HTMLDIR Directory for HTML-output"
@echo " FIGURES Figures that have to be compiled"
@echo ""
@echo "Targets:"
@echo " all Make the LATEXTARGET or <dirname>.dvi"
@echo " <name>.dvi Make the given dvi file"
@echo " latex Make the LATEXTARGET or <dirname>.dvi"
@echo " view Make and view the LATEXTARGET or <dirname>.dvi"
@echo " html Make the LATEXTARGET or <dirname>.dvi and generate HTML output"
@echo " latexhelp This overview"
@echo " latexclean Remove all generated files"
clean latexclean::
@rm -f *.log *.aux *.dvi *.bbl *.blg *.ilg *.toc *.lof *.lot *.idx *.ind *.out *.brf *.html *.btmp *.itmp *.rerun *.glo *.gls *.nlo *.nls
@epsfiles=`find * -maxdepth 0 -name "*.eps" `; \
if [ -n "$$epsfiles" ]; then \
for i in *.eps; do \
if [ -f `basename $$i .eps`.fig ]; then \
rm -f $$i; \
elif ( rcs `basename $$i .eps`.fig >& /dev/null ); then \
rm -f $$i; \
fi \
done \
cleanpspdf : clean
@rm -f *.ps *.pdf
clobber : cleanpspdf
@rm -f *~