Krishna Kumar 73c8dd9ea8 1.0 Beta
2013-11-24 23:26:21 +00:00

81 lines
3.0 KiB

% *****************************************************************************
% **************************** Custom Packages *********************************
% *****************************************************************************
% ************************** Algorithms and Pseudocode *************************
%\usepackage{algpseudocode} % Algorithmicx package support for algorithms and pseudocode
% *********************Captions and Hyperreferncing / URL ***********************
%% Captions: This makes captions of figures use a boldfaced small font.
% ******************************** Footnote ***********************************
%\usepackage[perpage]{footmisc} %Range of footnote options
% ************************** Graphics and figures *****************************
% Subfigure (note: this must be included after the `caption` package).
% ********************************* Table *************************************
% ****************************** Math and SI Units ****************************
% *****************************************************************************
% ******************* Fonts (like different typewriter fonts etc.)*************
\RequirePackage{libertine} % Set your custom font here and use `customfont' in options
% *****************************************************************************
% *************************** Bibliography and References ********************
\usepackage{cleveref} %Referencing without need to explicitly state fig /table
\ifsetBib % True, Bibliography option is chosen in class options
\else % If custom bibliography style chosen then load bibstyle here
\RequirePackage[square, sort, numbers, authoryear]{natbib} % CustomBib
% ******************************************************************************
% ************************* User Defined Commands ******************************
% ******************************************************************************
% Set spacing as 1.5 line spacing for the PhD Thesis
% ********************** Adding TOC and List of Figures ************************
% To hide sections from appearing in TOC add \tochide\section{Section name}
% To restrict the length of the figure caption in List of figures use:
% \caption[Caption that you want to appear in TOC]{Actual caption of the figure}
% \section[short]{title}
% ******************************* Nomenclature *********************************
% To change the name of the Nomenclature section, uncomment the following line
% \renewcommand\nomname{Symbols}