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%****************************** Fifth Chapter **********************************
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The software produced in this project provides a method of combining multiple Internet connections, prioritising throughput and resilience in the resultant aggregate connection. As a result, this project was a success. All of the core success criteria were met, along with many of the extended goals. The proxy provides a novel approach to combining Internet connections, responding well to very dynamic Internet connections.
The multipath proxy built in this project provides an effective method to combine dynamic Internet connections, that works in today's Internet. Though future work may make much of this redundant, the performance gains seen today are useful in many situations. As it becomes more common to see a variety of connections in homes, such as 5G, Low Earth Orbit and DSL, a method to combine these that dynamically adapts to the variability of the wireless connections can be a huge advantage, especially in situations where gaining a single faster link is difficult.
\section{Lessons Learnt}
The lessons learned in this project fall in two classes: personal reflections on running this project, and lessons learnt if this proxy sees another implementation.
I learnt throughout this project the importance of producing a minimum viable product. Very early in the project, I produced a working proof of concept. Nearing the end of the project, once the design was mostly settled and with a view of how the program would be deployed, the code was refactored to produce a user friendly piece of software. This approach of fast development that did not commit early to a usage pattern served me very well with this project, as details of the deployment only became clear after some use.
Further, lessons were learnt on the quality of packages. A package being a part of the standard library for a language does not imply support or a full feature set, while packages from respected software companies can be superior.
On re-implementation of this work, more considerations should be made for the interface of the software. In particular, monitoring the current connections without a debugger is particularly difficult, and monitoring long term statistics is presently impossible. This compromise was made for code readability and clarity, increasing the likelihood correct code, but does raise some issues for the network architects who implement this software.
Many of the lessons learnt relating to IP routing are detailed in Section \ref{section:implementation-system-configuration}, which would aid future implementations significantly, allowing the developer to focus only on what needs to occur in the application itself. Similarly, Figure \ref{fig:dataflow-overview} provides a comprehensive overview of the particularly complex dataflow within this application. These tools provide an effective summary of the information needed to implement this software again, reducing the complexity of such a new implementation, and allowing the developer to focus on the important features.
\section{Future Work}
A further concept that could take multipath proxies further is alternative methods of load balancing. Having control of both proxies allows for a variety of load balancing mechanisms, of which congestion control is only one. An alternative method is to monitor packet loss, and use this to infer the maximum capacity of each link. These capacities can then be used to load balance packets by proportion as opposed to greedily with congestion control. This could provide performance benefits over congestion control by allowing the congestion control mechanisms of underlying flows to be better employed, while also having trade-offs with slower reaction to connection changes.
To increase performance, a kernel implementation of the proxy could be written. Kernel implementations avoid copying the packets between kernel- and user-space, as well as removing the cost of syscalls. This can increase maximum performance significantly, as well as reducing latency. These combine to make the software useful in more places, though enforcing platform compatibility to only that which uses the compatible kernel. Therefore, having kernel implementations maintain compatibility with a user-space implementation allows more systems to take advantage of the proxy.