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jsh77 2021-05-13 15:37:53 +00:00 committed by overleaf
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@ -28,14 +28,14 @@ This chapter will detail this implementation in three sections. The software wil
\section{Packet Transport}
As shown in figure \ref{fig:dataflow-overview} and described in section \ref{section:implementation-software-structure}, the interfaces through which transport for packets is provided between the two hosts are producers and consumers. A transport pair is then created between a consumer on one host and a producer on the other, where packets enter the consumer and exit the corresponding producer. Two methods for producers and consumers are implemented: TCP and UDP. As the greedy load balancing of this proxy relies on congestion control, TCP provided a base for a proof of concept, while UDP expands on this proof of concept to produce a usable solution. This section discusses, in section \ref{section:implementation-tcp}, the method of transporting discrete packets across the continuous byte stream of a TCP flow. Then, in section \ref{section:implementation-udp}, it goes on to discuss adding congestion control to UDP datagrams, while avoiding retransmissions.
As shown in figure \ref{fig:dataflow-overview}, the interfaces through which transport for packets is provided between the two hosts are producers and consumers. A transport pair is then between a consumer on one proxy and a producer on the other, where packets enter the consumer and exit the corresponding producer. Two methods for producers and consumers are implemented: TCP and UDP. As the greedy load balancing of this proxy relies on congestion control, TCP provided a base for a proof of concept, while UDP expands on this proof of concept to produce a remove unnecessary overhead and improve performance in the case of TCP-over-TCP tunnelling. This section discusses, in section \ref{section:implementation-tcp}, the method of transporting discrete packets across the continuous byte stream of a TCP flow, before describing why this solution is not ideal. Then, in section \ref{section:implementation-udp}, it goes on to discuss adding congestion control to UDP datagrams, while avoiding ever retransmitting a proxied packet.
The base implementation for producers and consumers takes advantage of TCP. The requirements for the load balancing given above to function are simple: flow control and congestion control. TCP provides both of these, so was an obvious initial solution. However, TCP also provides unnecessary overhead, which will go on to be discussed further.
The requirements for greedy load balancing to function are simple: flow control and congestion control. TCP provides both of these, so was an obvious initial solution. However, TCP also provides unnecessary overhead, which will go on to be discussed further.
TCP is a stream-oriented connection, while the packets to be sent are discrete datagrams. That is, a TCP flow cannot be connected directly to a TUN adapter, as the TUN adapter expects discrete and formatted IP packets while the TCP connection sends a stream of bytes. To resolve this, each packet sent across a TCP flow is prefixed with the length of the packet. On the sending side, this involves writing the 32-bit length of the packet, followed by the packet itself. For the receiver, first 4 bytes are read to recover the length of the next packet, after which that many bytes are read. This successfully punctuates the stream-oriented connection into a packet-carrying connection.
A TCP flow cannot be connected directly to a TUN adapter, as the TUN adapter accepts and outputs discrete and formatted IP packets while the TCP connection sends a stream of bytes. To resolve this, each packet sent across a TCP flow is prefixed with the length of the packet. When a TCP consumer is given a packet to send, it first sends the 32-bit length of the packet across the TCP flow, before sending the packet itself. The corresponding TCP producer then reads these 4 bytes from the TCP flow, before reading the number of bytes specified by the received number. This enables punctuation of the stream-oriented TCP flow into a packet-carrying connection.
However, using TCP to tunnel TCP packets (known as TCP-over-TCP) can cause a degradation in performance in non-ideal circumstances \citep{honda_understanding_2005}. Further, using TCP to tunnel IP packets provides a superset of the required guarantees, in that reliable delivery and ordering are guaranteed. Reliable delivery can cause a decrease in performance for tunnelled flows which do not require reliable delivery, such as a live video stream - a live stream does not wish to wait for a packet to be redelivered from a portion that is already played, and thus will spend longer buffering than if it received the up to date packets instead. Ordering can limit performance when tunnelling multiple streams, as a packet for a phone call could already be received, but instead has to wait in a buffer for a packet for a download to arrive, increasing latency unnecessarily.
@ -45,7 +45,9 @@ Although the TCP implementation provides an excellent proof of concept and basic
To resolve the issues seen with TCP, an implementation using UDP was built as an alternative. UDP differs from TCP in that it provides almost no guarantees, and is based on sending discrete datagrams as opposed to a stream of bytes. However, UDP datagrams don't provide the congestion control or flow control required, so this must be built on top of the protocol. As the flow itself can be managed in userspace, opposed to the TCP flow which is managed in kernel space, more flexibility is available in implementation. This allows received packets to be immediately dispatched, with little regard for ordering.
After initial success with the TCP proof-of-concept, work moved to developing a UDP protocol for transporting the proxied packets. UDP differs from TCP in providing a more basic mechanism for sending discrete messages, while TCP provides a stream of bytes. Implementing a UDP datagram proxy solution returns control from the kernel to the application itself, allowing much more fine-grained management of congestion control. Further, UDP provides increased performance over TCP by removing ordering guarantees, and improving the quality of TCP tunnelling compared to TCP-over-TCP. This allows maximum flexibility, as application developers should not have to avoid using TCP to maintain compatibility with my proxy.
This section first describes the special purpose congestion control mechanism designed, which uses negative acknowledgements to avoid retransmissions. This design informs the design of the UDP packet structure. Finally, this section discusses the initial implementation of congestion control, which is based on the characteristic curve of TCP New Reno.
\subsection{Congestion Control}