# A Multi-Path Bidirectional Layer 3 Proxy ## Setup Notes ### Linux #### Policy Based Routing ip route flush table 10 ip route add table 10 to dev eth1 ip rule add from table 10 priority 10 ip route flush table 11 ip route add table 11 to dev eth2 ip rule add from table 11 priority 11 #### ARP Flux sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce=1 sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=1 See http://kb.linuxvirtualserver.org/wiki/Using_arp_announce/arp_ignore_to_disable_ARP ### Systemd unit [Unit] Description=NetCombiner for interface %i After=network-online.target [Service] Type=forking ExecStartPre=/etc/netcombiner/%i.pre ExecStart=/usr/local/sbin/netcombiner %i ExecStartPost=/etc/netcombiner/%i.post User=root Group=root Restart=always [Install] WantedBy=multi-user.target ### Setup Scripts These are functional setup scripts that make the application run as intended on Linux. ### Remote Portal #### Pre-Start #!/bin/bash set -e ## Set up variables REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS=A.B.C.D ## IPv4 Forwarding sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.eth0.proxy_arp=1 ## Transfer the local routing table to a much lower priority (ip rule show | grep '20:') > /dev/null || ip rule add from all table local priority 20 ip rule del priority 0 2> /dev/null || true ## Ports to route locally ### MPBL3P ip rule del priority 1 2> /dev/null || true ip rule add to "$REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS" dport 1234 table local priority 1 ### SSH ip rule del priority 2 2> /dev/null || true ip rule add to "$REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS" dport 22 table local priority 2 #### Post-Start #!/bin/bash set -e ## Set up variables REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS=A.B.C.D ## Tunnel addr/up ip addr add dev nc0 ip link set up nc0 # Route packets to the interface but not for nc via the tunnel ip route flush table 19 ip route add table 19 to "$REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS" via dev nc0 ip rule del priority 19 2> /dev/null || true ip rule add to "$REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS" table 19 priority 19 ### Local Portal #### Pre-Start #!/bin/bash set -e ## Set up variables GATEWAY_INTERFACE=eth0 GATEWAY_ADDRESS= ## Fix ARP sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_announce=1 sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.all.arp_ignore=1 ## IPv4 Forwarding sysctl -w net.ipv4.ip_forward=1 ## Gateway Interface Setup ip addr flush dev "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE" ip addr add "$GATEWAY_ADDRESS"/32 dev "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE" ip link set up "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE" ## Per-Interface Routing Tables ### ip route flush table 10 ip route add table 10 default via ip rule del priority 10 2> /dev/null || true ip rule add from table 10 priority 10 ### ip route flush table 11 ip route add table 11 default via ip rule del priority 11 2> /dev/null || true ip rule add from table 11 priority 11 #### Post-Start #!/bin/bash set -e ## Set up variables REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS=A.B.C.D GATEWAY_INTERFACE=eth0 ## Tunnel Address and Enable ip addr add dev nc0 ip link set up nc0 ## Route Outbound Packets Correctly ip route flush table 20 ip route add table 20 default via dev nc0 ip rule del priority 20 2> /dev/null || true ip rule add from "$REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS" iif "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE" table 20 priority 20 ## Route Inbound Packets Correctly ip route flush table 21 ip route add table 21 to "$REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS" dev "$GATEWAY_INTERFACE" ip rule del priority 21 2> /dev/null || true ip rule add to "$REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS" table 21 priority 21 #### Client Connect to `GATEWAY_INTERFACE` and set the IP to `REMOTE_PORTAL_ADDRESS`/32 with a gateway of `GATEWAY_ADDRESS`.